Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Best MLM Leads

best mlm leadsWhere does one find the best mlm leads? You generate them yourself. No purchased mlm leads list is ever going to do as well as the leads you generate yourself. Let’s look at how to get that done.

The first thing to realize is that this business is a sorting business. When you generate the best mlm leads you can, what you are doing is sorting through the masses to see who is open to learning more about your opportunity.

From there, you begin sorting through those who express an interest to see who is ready to make a decision.

Once you have identified those who are ready to make a decision, you begin sorting through to find those who will commit and stick to the plan.

It’s all about sorting, sorting, and more sorting.

How I Get The Best MLM Leads:

When I am out playing music, I am sorting. Conversations always come around to “What do you do when you’re not playing music?” or “What do you do besides this music thing?”. When I tell people about my home based business, those who are interested will want to know more.

When I am meeting with friends, the conversation always comes around to “What’s new in your world?”. I can share a quick story or two and if someone is interested in learning more, I have a new lead.

When I am meeting new friends, the conversation always includes asking about what we do for a living, what sort of interests we have, etc… As I share what I do, some folks will say, “I’d like to learn more about that.

When I am in an Uber, I strike up a conversation with the driver. Uber drivers really like the idea of that “side hustle”. Some of the best mlm leads come from talking with Uber drivers!

When I am posting on social media, I share stories about some of my experiences, experiences from my team members, etc… and I have people ask about it.

What do these all have in common? I have people that WANT TO LEARN MORE. I give them a link to show them a free overview. The link is to my capture page. I don’t try to give them a 2 minute or 15 minute presentation. I give them a link. If they want to know more, they can visit the link and fill out the form to get more details.

Why are these the best mlm leads? They are asking me for more information. They WANT to know more.  There is no pressure. I know that they are not all going to join. I know that some will join and not all of those are going to do the work required to succeed. My system just sorts through all that for me and I am left with those who want to really dial it in and do the work with me.

My focus is always the same:

1. Get them to my capture page. I do this when I am talking to people face to face, advertising, and posting on social media.

2. When they fill out the form, I let my autoresponder follow up. The autoresponder runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,  never calls in sick, never forgets, and doesn’t ask me for a raise! My autoresponder is the perfect employee!

Email Marketing Tips


source https://blog.trafficwave.net/email-marketing-tips/best-mlm-leads/

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