Monday, November 4, 2019

Email Marketing Done Right

email marketing done rightEmail marketing done right comes down to a few very simple steps done over and over, again. It is actually a very simple process. Keeping it simple is one of the biggest keys to my own email marketing success.

To be clear, we enjoy all the social media we can get access to. We have a Facebook Page, a Facebook Group, a Twitter account, and  Linkedin. We use them regularly. But our email marketing generates more revenue than all our social media channels combined.

When we first launched TrafficWave back in the year 2000, our biggest sources of revenue came from generating leads and following up with our autoresponder.

In 2010, we continued generating leads and following up with our autoresponder.

Now, it is 2019 and we are still generating leads and following up with our autoresponder.

Sales just keep coming in. Over the years, we have discovered that the secret to email marketing done right has very little to do with shiny new gadgets and slick presentations.

What it really comes down to is focusing on these things:

Capture Emails We use our capture form code on our blog and web site. We use our Hosted Capture Pages. We have even used some 3rd party capture page services with our code. All of our advertising, social media posts, blog posts, etc… point to a capture page or a web page with a capture form. We offer visitors a free report that shows them how to build their business with email marketing. Every day, someone is asking for more information by filling our one of our forms.

Follow Up Emails Our autoresponder is set up with a series of pre-written messages designed to show our subscribers how email marketing can help their business grow. The autoresponder just handles all the followup for us automatically. We also send out broadcasts for special offers and updates from time to time.

Review Results We constantly check our open rates, click-through rates, and sales. We make adjustments to try and improve each component on a regular basis.

Maybe you have been like some of the folks we have seen over the years who try to keep up with the lates shiny new trick. You’re not alone. No matter what service you use, your focus should always be on building your lists, building rapport with your list, and closing sales.

TrafficWave makes it very easy to do this and you can start with a free 30 day trial … No payment information required.

It just makes sense to experience email marketing done right so your business can grow. Why not take us for a test drive, today?

Click Here To Start Your Free 30 Day Trial

Email Marketing Tips



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