Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Email Marketing Builds Business

how email marketing builds businessAre you wondering how email marketing builds business? Do you find yourself wondering if email marketing can help you build your business? We know it can.

Deciding where and how to spend your marketing dollars can be a bit challenging. It is helpful to understand that email marketing gives you an incredibly high ROI (Return On Investment) when done properly. Fortunately, doing email marketing right can be pretty simple.

In terms of how you will actually set things up, your first step will be to create a series of pre-written letters that your autoresponder will automatically send out to anyone that requests your information. These letters should share the benefits of your offer, product, or service so that readers can learn how you will help them solve a problem.

Be sure to include customer testimonials and a clear call to action so that readers know the next step as they are reading your messages.

Your next step will be to add capture form code to your web site. The capture form is how visitors to your web site will request your information.

This is the big secret to how email marketing builds business.

As you drive traffic to your company web site or blog, visitors are given the opportunity to request your information by filling out a form. Once they do that, their information is entered in to your autoresponder database. Your autoresponder begins to automatically send out your follow up messages.

The key here is to test your results. Once you start getting prospects added to your list, you will want to track your open rates. How many are actually opening the emails you send? Then, track your click-through rate so you can see how many of your subscribers are clicking through to your offer or order page.

The time you spend testing and tweaking your letters in the beginning can pay off in big ways for your business over time.

Are you able to get a clear picture of how email marketing builds business?

The idea being that your email marketing campaigns can work like a 24/7 lead generation and follow up system that is constantly working for you, no matter where you are or what you are doing.  As people receive your letters, they begin to feel they know you and can trust you. Anybody that no longer wants to receive your messages can click a link to be removed at any time. This sort of automation comes in very handy for busy professionals.

Successful business people know that the key to success is sales. The key to sales is effective lead generation and follow up.

Why not start your email marketing with a free 30 day trial from TrafficWave, today?

Email Marketing Tips



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