Thursday, June 4, 2020

Three A/B testing tactics to improve your conversion rate

30-second summary:

  • A/B testing for conversions can help ecommerce businesses test hypotheses as fast as possible. It is a safe way to use your budget in the best performing tactics that will lead to success.
  • Mobile optimization can impact your success across all stages of the funnel. From new visitors who want to browse through your products through their phone to returning customers who want to purchase their favorite items as fast as possible.
  • Every page on your website can be an opportunity to up-sell. The bundle offer shouldn’t be compulsory but it should still show up as an appealing option.
  • Instead of leaving customers to wander on the page with the danger of exiting, you can help them stay engaged. It should be easy for them to look at the top-selling products to help them sort out their options.

It’s more important than ever to optimize your website to maintain a stable growth of sales.

Customers have an abundance of options when shopping online. The best optimization tactics can significantly improve your revenue growth.

A/B testing for conversions can help ecommerce businesses test hypotheses as fast as possible. It is a safe way to use your budget in the best performing tactics that will lead to success.

The faster it gets to find the winning tactics, the easier it becomes to focus on what’s working.

Conversion Fanatics are sharing 18 of their ecommerce split test case studies in a report to help you explore new ways to double your conversion rate.

Here are three tactics to consider:

Content produced in partnership with Conversion Fanatics.

Focusing on mobile search

Mobile optimization can impact your success across all stages of the funnel. From new visitors who want to browse through your products through their phone to returning customers who want to purchase their favorite items as fast as possible.

The best way to start with mobile optimization is to look at the user experience and how to make it as smooth as possible. Sometimes small changes can make a big difference.

For example, a tested hypothesis from Conversion Fanatics was that a prominent search box on a mobile page can encourage visitors to search for products. This could increase engagement and conversions.

After A/B testing the idea, the results were very encouraging. Visitors seem to engage a lot with the search function on mobile. The test included expanding the search box for mobile so that it doesn’t just show up as a magnifying glass that is easy to ignore.

This way, they noticed that those who engaged with search converted at almost twice as much to the sale as those who didn’t.

More specifically, there was an increase of 68% in search engagement, a boost of 23% in sales and also an increase of 12% in cart views.

Highlighting a bundle offer

Every page on your website can be an opportunity to up-sell. All you need is the right strategy to make the display of the additional item make sense.

Conversion Fanatics wanted to test the hypothesis that the offer of an additional product as part of a bundle offer can lead to increased revenue.

The idea is that when someone is ready to buy a shirt, they might be willing at that time to buy the complete outfit with it.

The A/B testing involved a particular page selling shirts. Right below the product, there was the option of a bundle offer giving the customers the chance to buy the pants along with the shirt.

The results validated the hypothesis. There was an increase of 31% in sales and also a boost of revenue of 32% per visitor.

In other words, customers were more willing to consider buying an additional product when it felt appropriate and relevant to their original purchase.

The bundle offer shouldn’t be compulsory but it should still show up as an appealing option.

Displaying the best selling products

Not all visitors know what they want to buy from your website. They may also be at the researching stage and want to browse your products. Or they may be unsure of which products to focus on.

Instead of leaving them to wander on the page with the danger of exiting, you can help them stay engaged.

It should be easy for them to look at the top-selling products to help them sort out their options.

A test from Conversion Fanatics involved the hypothesis that moving the best sellers higher on a page can help visitors engage while increasing the clicks and the sales conversions.

The A/B testing involved moving the best selling products higher on the page, right below the hero image. This would make it easy to notice when you visit the website.

The results validated the hypothesis with a boost of 25% in sales and increased revenue of 19% per visitor.


Adopting a testing mindset can save you time and money. A/B testing ideas is a great strategy to improve your conversion.

Not all ideas will work for your ecommerce strategy but you can still explore some good options to improve your success.

Even the simplest changes can lead to improved conversion on a website, provided that you keep track of the experiments and what worked best for you.

Discover 18 top ecommerce split test case studies to double your conversion rates in the latest report by Conversion Fanatics here.


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