Thursday, July 30, 2020

Email Marketing or SEO?

email marketing or seoEmail Marketing or SEO? Which is better? Actually, it makes more sense to use both, together. They actually can be used together very well. Let’s see how.

To start with, let’s get a basic understanding of what each is and the role they play.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the act of working to get your web site to show up better in searches. This will be accomplished through a number of techniques and strategies that range from free things you can do on your own to services you can pay to have done. Examples include how you title your articles, the content on your pages, how your images are labeled, how your blog or web site is structured, etc… SEO Mastery is an art form unto itself and should be taken very seriously.

The simplest way to explain Email Marketing is to say this is a method we use to generate leads, build rapport, and drive sales.

Both are very important and can bring results, but should you focus more on email marketing or SEO?

We believe your efforts should be spent on both. They can actually be used together for best results.

To drive the point home, let’s start by looking at how you found this article to begin with. The options are:

You followed a link we posted on social media.

You were searching for something about “email marketing or seo” on a search engine and we came up.

You received an email from us, a prospect, or a client, and clicked the link.

When we wrote this article, we did our best to optimize it for good search engine results (the SEO part). We made sure the article has a capture form on it so that anyone who is interested can request more information about our email marketing tools. (the Email Marketing part).

Then, we posted links on our social media channels (FacebookLinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram) to let our followers know it was available.

Then, we sent out a broadcast to our emails subscribers and customers so they would know it was available.

Both our email marketing and our SEO efforts were focused on getting eyeballs on this article. Why? This article can actually serve a few purposes, including:

Lead Generation. Someone who clicks through from a search engine or from social media may be interested in email marketing. If they would like to know more, they can fill out our form and … voila! A new lead for us!

Value: A current customer can see how they can use these tools together and may have found an answer to that question: email marketing or seo?

Sales: A prospect may have been considering using our service and this article helped push them over the edge to begin doing business with us. Maybe they wanted to take advantage of our Free 30 Day Trial. (See what we did, there?)

Our advice? Don’t spend any time trying to decide between email marketing or seo? Spend your time and efforts on learning both and using them together to get maximum results for your business.

Yours In Success,

We Are Here To Help

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Check Out More Email Marketing Tips


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