Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Get Started With Email Marketing

get started with email marketingReady to get started with email marketing? As a smart marketer, you have probably seen the reports that show email marketing has the highest ROI of any marketing channel available. No doubt, you are ready to start using email marketing to drive sales and revenue for your business. But how do you get started? What if you have no experience? This guide will take you through the steps you need to get started with email marketing and learn to create sales for your business.

The first thing you want to understand is why it is so important and make so much sense that you get started with email marketing.

Businesses look for profits. Email marketing is still the most profitable marketing channel available.

Email marketing can be set up in a very short amount of time.

Email marketing results can be tracked.

Email marketing campaigns can be quickly adjusted.

People are constantly checking their email, most check it several times per day. It just makes sense to make sure your message is where their eyes are.

To actually get started with email marketing, you will need an email marketing service. There are many options available and we, of course, hope you will choose ours here at Once you have chosen a service, there are a few steps you will need to take. These steps are:

Set up your followup messages. This will be a series of pre-written messages you create so that they can be sent to whoever asks for more information. We have set up a quick guide to creating powerful followup message here.

Set up a way for people to request your information. This will be done through a capture page or by adding some simple form code to your website or blog. An actual example of our code on this blog can be seen at the bottom of this article.

Once you have your messages created and your capture forms ready, the next step is to let people know. This can be done through your social media channels, signage, word of mouth, advertising, etc… You might entice visitors with a free sample offer, free report, of some other gift that add value for your readers.

Once you begin seeing subscribers added to your list, it is time to track results. You can check your open rates and click through rates to make any needed adjustments to your messages to get the best results.

If you think you might be ready to get started with email marketing, check out our 30 day free trial offer at or fill out the form below to request further details.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have. We check these posts daily and respond as quickly as we can!

Click Here for More Email Marketing Tips





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