Sunday, July 5, 2020

Newest COVID-19 Marketing Lessons (And a Dose of Encouragement)

OK, we’re a few months into this darn thing.

The pandemic insanity and world-wide craziness have hit us on so many levels.

To name a few issues, there’s political divisiveness, emotional devastation, economic upheaval, loneliness… to spotlight just a few lightweight challenges.

And there’s nothing that puts blinders on your flexibility and creativity… like FEAR.

So as an antidote, the sheer magnitude of our current challenges reminds me of the dark humor jokes like, “Other than that, Goliath, how did your meeting with David go.”

Or, “What are the 3 worst disasters of the 20th Century?

-Hiroshima ’45

-Chernobyl ’86

-Windows ’95

As the proverb says, humor is good for us — even for our businesses during these precarious times:

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

Or… you could keep a sign up in your office like this one.

By the way, as a quick aside, did you know where the sign comes from and why there’s usually a crown on it?

Fun fact: it was created as a motivational poster by the British government in 1939 in preparation for the anticipated dark days of WWII.

OK, getting back to business, something we’ve found to be one of the most helpful things for struggling entrepreneurs, is to custom design a 90-day plan to keep them focused and productive as they navigate the new world we seem to be living in.

And no, it doesn’t solve all the long-term conundrums we’re facing, but that focused activity provides an amazing boost and gives people a worthy goal to focus on instead of being addicted to the bad news on TV.

I think I first heard this from Brian Tracy, so I went to his website and grabbed it (we’ll get to the marketing lessons in a minute)…

“Happiness has been defined as, ‘The progressive achievement of a worthy ideal, or goal.’ When you are working progressively, step-by-step toward something that is important to you, you generate within yourself a continuous feeling of success and achievement.

“You feel more positive and motivated. You feel more in control of your own life. You feel happier and more fulfilled. You feel like a winner, and you soon develop the psychological momentum that enables you to overcome obstacles and plough through adversity as you move toward achieving the goals that are most important to you.”

What I like about this insight is there’s nothing phony about it.

In other words, you’re not pumping yourself up with a bunch of rah-rah stuff that’s as fragile as a soap bubble, like, “Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better.”

Sure, it’s fine to use that affirmation, but there’s nothing CONCRETE to sustain you.

Whereas a nuts-and-bolts GOAL you can sink your teeth into, helps you keep your eye on the prize and OFF the calamities that are going on around us.

Now, let’s shift the focus to your business.

What’s Selling During the Pandemic?

OK, let’s say that despite today’s mayhem, you’ve got a level head and a rock-solid plan to keep you on track.

Now let’s look at the things that were in short supply, and the way the shortages have morphed.

First, there was the famous toilet paper, facemasks, and hand sanitizer panic, followed by boxed cereals, canned foods like soups and canned meats, and various fresh foods.

That phase has passed, but it gives you a look at how people’s minds work, which is what will put you ahead of the crowd if you can anticipate the patterns.

So during the initial panic, essentials were the hot commodity.

What about now?

Since people can’t go to gyms, yoga centers, and pools, the mindset has shifted to a more long-term outlook to make life more livable now… at home.

That’s why, right now it’s almost impossible to buy a bicycle, a set of weights, or a kiddie pool for the backyard.

It’s also why office supplies aren’t as easy to find, and why computers are sold out.

So if you can sit back, watch these trends, and THINK about what people will need next and how to fill that need, you’ve got nothing to worry about.

HINT: One of the most important things you can sell is “a return to normalcy,” or even the slightest feeling of control.

That’s why coaches, therapists, and financial advisors are overwhelmed and why online business training is a fantastic niche to be in right now.

Because people are regrouping after the initial panic, and looking not just to survive today, but thinking about what they’ll need in the future as the playing field shifts before our very eyes.

Latest, Greatest Pandemic Ad

Now let’s focus on just one ad… a 16-page magalog… that’s chock full of fear and trembling.

It’s a “strategic intelligence” newsletter to protect your wealth and protect you against the breakdown of society.

Great stuff to be selling right now.

And notice how it’s doing an excellent job of riding the wave of fear with this headline:

The introduction is great, too:

“Hi, my name is Jim Rickards. And as a former advisor to the CIA and the Pentagon, I feel it’s my duty to warn you about what could unfold in America in the coming days. I’m holding in my hand an official government document that was not intended for the public.”

One of my favorite subheads is on page 12 of the magalog, that says:

Forget the Dow: Coronavirus Could Send Ford Stock to Zero!

If that doesn’t get your attention, better call the undertaker.

Next, here is a list of major topics within this missive that can give you ideas for your own marketing.

He calls them the “dominos” that are just starting to fall.

It’s always a smart move to have numbered lists in your ads that subconsciously get people to keep reading so they can complete the list, like this:

Domino #1: Massive Unemployment

Domino #2: Massive Bankruptcies

Domino #3: Contagion Will Spread to Key Areas of the Economy, such as the real estate market

Domino #4: Banks Will Fail and We’ll See a Credit Crunch Worse than 2008

Domino #5: A Complete Breakdown of Society

And, if you want a master class on creating an offer, take a look at this one:

The KEY: Build and Deepen RELATIONSHIPS!

One last thing.

If there’s one strategy that insulates you from the worst economic upheavals, it’s building and maintaining solid, up-to-date relationships with your clients.

That’s right, like any relationship, you have to build and MAINTAIN it.

But it’s not an easy thing to do with all the other fires you’re putting out these days.

So the only way to accomplish this task is to automate it, as we’ll show you at a FREE STRATEGY SESSION (by application only). ]

This is where we analyze your business fundamentals, i.e., the 5 POINTS of INCOME LEVERAGE.

Then we’ll map out a 90-day, fast implementation, pandemic-busting roadmap for your next 90 days.

For more details, check out the link above.

And leave your comments below.


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