Sunday, July 26, 2020

Power Of Email Marketing

power of email marketingHave you heard of the power of email marketing? Have you wondered if email marketing could really help take your business to the next level?

There is no really “mystery” or “magic” to it. The real power of email marketing comes from consistently putting your offer in front of prospects and giving them a way to request more information, a free report, a sample … some way to learn more about what you can do for them.

Consistency may be the biggest challenge for most. Taking a “hit and miss” approach makes it much harder to get solid results. If, however, you make a point of driving traffic to your capture pages or your web site with capture forms, you can begin to see consistent results in two areas:

Lead Generation and Sales

And, at the end of the day, Lead Generation and Sales are the purpose and the power of email marketing. Every business, no matter what industry, should be focused on constantly generating new leads and following up with those leads to drive more sales.

When I hear from entrepreneurs who are struggling, I always start by asking them about their lead generation and followup strategy. Typically, they fumble around a bit, hesitate, and then make some sort of excuse about how they don’t have time or can’t afford it. So, let’s break these both down:

If you don’t MAKE and TAKE time to do lead generation, your business has no hope of success. If you have to wake up earlier, stay up later, or delegate to someone, make sure that there is consistent effort being spent on generating new leads for your business.

If you think email marketing is “too expensive”, let’s break it down real quick. Access to powerful email marketing tools from comes to $17.95 per month. That’s about 60 cents per day. If 60 cents per day is a “price objection” for your business, it’s time to stop buying fru-fru coffees, and drive-through lunches. Pack a lunch and make coffee at home. Take the money you save and start an email marketing campaign. We’ll even give you a 30 Day Free Trial to get started. You can take advantage of a LOT of free promotional methods such as social media, discussion groups, networking, etc… And, as your income goes up, you can start branching out in to paid promotion.

Email Marketing has the highest rate of return over any other marketing method. Bottom Line: There is literally no valid excuse to not be actively putting the power of email marketing to work for your business.

Tapping in to the power of email marketing gives you a 24/7 lead generation and followup system that is focused solely on generating new leads and driving sales.

Got questions? Feel free to ask!

Email Marketing Tips



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