Monday, August 31, 2020

5 Life Coaching Blog Topics To Help Attract Clients

By 2022, life coaches in the US will be pulling in over $1.3 billion every year.

That sounds like a lot until you realize there are now more than 50,000 registered life coaches with the International Coach Federation. And the top life coaches can rake in millions, leaving the bottom 20% struggling.

If you want your life coaching business to stand out from the crowd, you need to connect with the most important marketing channel in the world—search engines.

An amazing 91% of US adults use search engines every month.

However, only the top results in search engine rankings receive traffic. In fact, according to HubSpot, the top five results in search engines get 75% of all search traffic.

The best way to get to those top search engine rankings, without paying for ads, is with search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing.

Content marketing helps you connect with potential clients who need your expertise and guidance through a blog. It’s the bread and butter of any effective SEO strategy. Keep reading to learn how to start your very own life coaching blog so you can get more clients coming to you.

Why is blogging important for life coaching companies?

As a life coach, you have a wealth of experience that prospective clients are yearning to absorb. Content marketing allows you to connect with those clients and a wider audience to attract more leads.

In fact, content marketing generates 3x the leads of traditional marketing efforts.

Content marketing and, in particular, blogging is one of the key tactics of an search engine optimization (SEO) strategy for coaching. SEO and blogging work together to improve a website’s rankings in search engines.

Better ranking in search engines = more web traffic.

That’s probably why businesses that blog get 55% more website visitors than those that don’t.

Plus, people tend to stay on a website longer if it has a blog. Why is that important? Because search engines take ‘time on page’ into account when deciding which websites to display in top results.

It’s no wonder Hubspot found that marketers who prioritize business blogging are 13x more likely to see positive ROI than their peers.

Luckily, you don’t have to start from scratch when creating posts for your future clients. Here are a few top life coaching blog ideas to get you started.

Discover how to use digital marketing to promote your online workshop or course.

5 blog topics for life coaching companies

So you know blogging is important, but what should you blog about? When you first start a blog, choosing topics can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve put together a few life coaching blog topics that have proven successful.

Your Story

Life coaches and motivational speakers are some of the finest storytellers on the planet. The best in the business can illuminate new pathways and opportunities with the simplest of tales. And often the most powerful of these tales are their own—their life stories.

If you’re looking to start a life coaching blog, remember to tell your story. You’ll be in good company. Many of the best life coaches in the world share exactly how they got where they are in detailed blog posts that end up being the perfect inbound marketing tools.

Take the example of Micahel Legge, a former actor who is now one of the world’s leading life coaches. If you want to work with big companies and give talks to thousands like Mr. Legg, telling your story in a blog is a good first step.

15 years ago

How-to Blogs

A lot of a life coach’s job is explaining familiar concepts that people can understand. Or to introduce philosophies and strategies that can help people make the most of their home or work life. What better place to share that type of knowledge than in a how-to blog.

How-to blogs shouldn’t give away all your secrets. Instead, they should act as an appetizer of sorts for prospective clients. Something to show all the knowledge you’ve worked to gain over the years.

Example blog posts include:

  • How to Reduce Stress and Perform Better
  • How to Relax While on the Go
  • How to Secure Your Promotion
  • How to Unwind on Vacation

Success Stories

Publishing success stories shows prospective clients your services work! Life coaches don’t usually appear in review websites like Yelp, but prospective clients still want to read reviews.

Success stories are your chance to give prospective clients exactly what they’re looking for. Take the example of Lynda Hoffman’s website. Mrs. Hoffman is a life coach who created a whole page of her site dedicated to success stories.

Lynda Hoffman

She makes each story personal and shares how her life coaching services were able to make a big impact on her clients’ lives.

ambers story


Sharing interviews with industry experts can help bring more eyes to your blog. Don’t be afraid to reach out to peers to see if they might be interested in sharing a few top tips on your blog. The name recognition and social media shares will help boost your web traffic—and that means more clients.

Take the example of A Daring Adventure. This life coach decided to interview a peer and put the transcript in an article form on his blog. This is a great way to utilize connections to help build your business.

adaring adventure

Career and Life Advice

Career and life advice will be the main topic of any life coach website. The goal is to give just a taste of what prospective clients can expect from your instruction, talks, or mentorship.

Once again, it pays to look at the most commercially successful examples of life coaches to replicate their process. For example, Tony Robbins’ blog is filled with life and career advice. He separates his posts by type, but almost 80% of them have to do with basic career and life advice.

tony robbins

When it comes to blogging, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. By mimicking and improving on current life coach websites that have seen success, you can grow your client base and increase revenue—fast.

At first, coming up with new blog topics is easy. After all, you have years of life coaching experience to share. From goal setting to professional development, there’s a lot to explore in the area. Of course, eventually, it becomes difficult to find new blog topics.

Thankfully, Google Trends is here to help. Google Trends is a free keyword and topic research tool that allows anyone to use a data-based approach to selecting blog topics.

For example, you can use Google Trends’ comparison feature to visualize the difference in search traffic between important keywords for your business.

Below you can see the terms ‘motivational speaker’ and ‘life coach’ in Google Trends. If you’ve been targeting only ‘life coach’ blog topics, the considerable traffic from motivational speaker could give you the confidence to push out more content related to that.

google trends life coach

You can also see the geographic variations in search traffic for select keywords by state. In this example, you can see every state seems to prefer the term ‘life coach’ to ‘motivational speaker.’ However, in Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas ‘motivational speaker’ still gets almost 40% of search traffic.

life coach compared breakdown

If you had a life coaching website in that area where you offer motivational speaking services, it might make sense to create more motivational speaker blog posts to service that market.

Finally, you can use Google Trends to see related topics and queries to your keywords. As you can see below with ‘life coaching.’ It’s the perfect spot to find trending blog topics.
related topics health

💡 Brainstorming tip: Finding life coaching blog topics using Google Suggest and People Also Ask

If Google Trends doesn’t spark new ideas, there are a couple more free tools from Google that might do the trick.

First, you can use Google Suggest, also known as autocomplete, to find common prospective client searches. By simply typing in a question word (who, what, when, etc.) and then a common keyword you want to rank for, Google Suggest will pull up similar topics based on real search data.

For example, if you type in ‘what’ + ‘life coaches’ Google pulls up a list of common life coaching related questions that real prospective clients are using.

life coaches

You can also try using the People Also Ask (PAA) section of Google’s search engine results pages to find blog topics.

The PAA section provides related queries based on Google data.

best life coaches

In the above example, you can see how the PAA section provides quick, actionable topics like ‘types of life coaches’ and ’what do life coaches teach?’

👍 Best practices for using life coaching blogs as a marketing tool

Now that you have a few life coaching blog topics under your belt, we want to leave you with some SEO content marketing best practices to keep in mind to help improve your results.

  • Create measurable objectives. Before you start crafting your first blog post, you should create measurable objectives for your content marketing. Do you want your blog’s success to be measured by lead conversions? Monthly revenue growth? Web traffic numbers? Knowing what you want out of your blog and then measuring those objectives helps determine your ROI.
  • Do your keyword research. SEO keyword research is not just great for finding blog topics. It’s an integral part of content marketing success.

You can use tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMRush to find keywords that are trending and have the right search intent. That way, site visitors will regularly convert to paying clients.

Don’t want to pay for all the fancy keyword tools? Start by exploring several free keyword research tools first.

  • Create a content strategy and calendar. After you’ve done some industry and competitors analysis, plus all your keyword research, you can create a content strategy.

The best way to do this is to create multiple pieces of quality keyword backed content that centers around a single topic, like professional development. That way, you have a better chance of ranking in search engines. A content calendar can also help keep you on track—consistency is key in building an audience and for search engine optimization.

  • Optimize your blogs for mobile customers. Mobile searches account for a huge percentage of all internet traffic these days. Don’t miss out on site visitors because your site isn’t properly optimized for mobile platforms. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test and Accelerated Mobile Pages and make sure your site is mobile-ready.

mobile accountsSource: Backlinko

  • Try writing more, but make sure your format correctly. The average blog post in 2019 was 1,151 words. That means in the past five years alone blog posts have increased in length by 42%. Of course, if you write longer blogs, they need to be formatted to keep your audience engaged. Try adding quotes, images, graphics, lists, and bolded sections to break up block text.

Next steps to market your life coaching business

Your life coaching blog is thriving! Your web traffic and revenue have increased, and all you want is more. What’s next?

It turns out content marketing is just the beginning of an effective life coaching marketing strategy. From local SEO to boost regional clientele to digital PR to build brand awareness, the right digital marketing agency can do a lot for life coaching website.

If you’re interested, feel free to contact us for more information.

Markitors is an internet marketing agency with a focus on SEO. We help small businesses rank higher on Google to draw more leads to websites and increase revenue. Explore what’s in our SEO toolbox: audits and keyword research, digital PR, technical SEO, and local SEO.


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