Friday, August 21, 2020

Email Marketing for Consultants

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

I think we’ve all heard this saying before at least once in our lives. And the truth is when it comes to business, both are equally important. 

As a consultant, you already know that how well you communicate with your existing and potential clients could make or break your business. Communication is one of the foundational elements in building relationships. If you aren’t connecting with people one-to-one, you aren’t going to gain their trust or earn their business. 

Remember, people do business with people. That’s especially true for a consulting firm. Clients want to know who you are, what you stand for, and that they can trust you to meet their needs.    

My husband’s startup needed a marketing consultant to help them craft their positioning and brand. There was no shortage of marketing consultants chomping at the bit for their business. So, what was it that helped them choose the right consultant? The short answer, they picked the consultant that was able to meet the needs of their business and help them accomplish their goals. 

I know it’s a “well, duh” type of answer, but the real question is, what did that consultant do to effectively communicate their expertise and ultimately get my husband’s company to sign with them? 

That’s what we’re going to uncover in this article. I’ll tell you:

  • Why email marketing is vital for a consultant 
  • What email campaigns are a must-send 
  • How to take your email marketing to the next level

One-to-one vs. one-to-many

People want VIP treatment. And honestly, every client and potential client is very important for your business. So the time and effort you put into getting and keeping your clients is worth it. 

Get new clients and repeat business with all the tools and marketing advice you need, all in one place.

Now the good news is that it doesn’t take a massive amount of time or effort to give your clients the care and attention they want and need. Using email marketing allows you to have those one-to-one conversations that turn a cold lead into a loyal client. 

How you communicate in your emails should be based on who you are talking to and what phase they’re in when it comes to building your business relationship. Whether they’re just finding out about your business, ready to close with you, or generating new referrals for your business, you have to think about what and how you say what you’re going to say.

Marketing relationship cycle
It’s important in all of your marketing to consider where your audience is in their journey to becoming a client. (From our online marketing guide, The Download)

My husband wasn’t looking for a full marketing plan with PR, content, and the works. They needed something that suited where they were at as a business. And they needed to know that they were choosing the consultant that was able to understand their problem and meet their specific needs, not the sales pitch of the week.

So be human, show your personality, and make sure you not only understand who your potential client is, but how to speak to them, especially in your emails. 

Here are a few must-send email campaigns every consultant should have in their arsenal. 

Welcome series

Every consultant should set up an email welcome series. This two-part email series is automatically sent when a new contact is added to your list. This is a time when your contacts are most engaged with your business. They expect to get an email from you, so be sure to send this immediately after joining your list. 

Tip: If you offer your clients different services, you may consider segmenting your audience and setting up a different welcome series for each to tailor your message for those specific client needs.

Welcome email #1

When you ask people to sign up for your email list, we recommend using a lead magnet to entice them. This could be a free guide or a 10-minute complimentary consultation that they get in exchange for their email address. The first email should deliver the lead magnet. We like to call this first email the welcome/delivery email.

And yes, be sure to actually welcome them in this first email. Anything you would normally do in person, you need to do online as well. Thank them for joining your email list and let them know what they can expect going forward. 

email marketing example for consultants

Welcome email #2

The second email should be focused on connecting with your audience. And equally important, how can they connect with you. They’ve already expressed interest in you by signing up for your email list. Encourage them to follow you on your social channels, make sure they have your contact information, and include any hours of operation. 

Make it easy for them to reach you when and how they choose.  

email marketing example for consultants

Nurture series

A potential client that gives you their email address is telling you, “Yes, communicate with me, I want to hear what you have to say.” After sending them your welcome series, you need to continue to nurture that lead. 

The first and most important thing you need to do in a nurturing email is to identify the problem they’re facing. Most people know they have a problem, but don’t understand what that problem actually is. That’s where your firm comes in. 

When you can identify the problem, it shows that potential client that you understand what they’re going through. 

Second, offer a solution. This is a great opportunity to use click segmentation and automation together. Simply set up an automated series of emails based on how someone interacts with your email content, such as clicking on a link. Sending potential clients targeted emails based on what their needs are will earn you their trust and ultimately their business too. 

Keep the conversation going

No matter where your contacts are in their journey, you need to continue to build that relationship by staying consistent with your communication. 

At the very least, you should be sending one email per month. These emails should showcase your expertise and keep your clients and potential clients engaged with your business.

Here are a few ideas for things you can share in your consulting firm’s nurturing emails:

  1. Share the content you already have. Do you have blog content? Use that in your emails and take the opportunity to drive people back to your website for more.
  2. Tell subscribers what’s happening with the industry. As a consultant, you want your clients to know you are staying current and keeping up with the industry. 
  3. Demonstrate thought leadership. Provide your readers with valuable, accurate information that’s actionable for their business. What is your opinion on topics pertaining to your field of expertise?
  4. Send occasional promotional emails. It’s important for potential clients and existing customers to know what you have to offer. How can you solve their problem? Be sure to follow the 80/20 rule: 80% of your email content should be helpful, useful information, and 20% should be focused on selling the services and products you offer. 

From here, you can brainstorm other ideas for your email content. Be creative, show personality, and most importantly, make sure it is relevant for your audience.

Taking your email marketing to the next level

Email marketing works, but in order for it to work for your consulting firm, remember to keep these things in mind.

  • Earn the trust of your potential clients by providing solutions to the problems they’re facing.
  • Use segmentation and automation tools to help you send timely and relevant emails.
  • Follow the 80/20 rule to avoid sounding like the salesman of the month.
  • Send on a consistent basis to continue to build a relationship with your clients and stay top of mind.

With these tips, your consulting firm will be building new relationships and generating new clients for your business in no time.


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