Friday, August 14, 2020

How to Write Cold Emails that Guarantee Replies

Cold Emails, when they work, they get an immense huge response. And when an Email Marketer has decided to send out Cold Emails, he/she should be making sure that they do everything right. To be more specific - maintain a checklist and ensure the email looks so. I’ve given you here a few important points that would be helpful when you send cold emails for campaigns or for any other purpose.

1. Triple Check Grammar & Spelling - The last thing any email marketer would want on earth is being spotted out by the email receiver that his/her email has typography or spelling error. Which is why he/she should proofread their emails a number of times making sure that the error numbers are null.

2. Keep Your Email Short & Precise - Remember that you are not sending out articles but emails. You have no idea how much time the person on the other end has. So, always try to keep your email drafts to a minimum - maintaining within 100 words would be ideal.

3. Stick to Just One Thing - Do not ever confuse your email receiver. Make sure you stick to just one thing in your email. And do not talk about multiple things. Because this could make your reader delusional and they might not exactly get the point.

4. Don’t use Humour - Well, if you know your client very well and the person receiving the email is comfortable receiving emails from you, you can use humor. But if it’s a complete stranger, a strict no for humor.

5. Do Not Use Too Many Exclamations & Smileys - Make sure that you don’t use a number of exclamation marks. One or two is okay but exceeding that doesn’t make your email copy look good. And the usage of smileys in subject lines is not highly recommended.

6. Keep Necessary CTA’s - Call to Actions are an important part of cold emails. Because when you don’t keep appropriate CTA’s, there’s no point in sending out cold emails. Because without CTA’s it’s quite clear that there’s going to be no conversions.

7. Never Send Bulk Emails - You shouldn’t be sending bulk emails when you are sending cold emails. Because the personalization factor isn’t there when you send out bulk emails. It is highly recommended that you research, personalize and send out cold emails individually.

8. Following Up is Necessary - Following up is mandatory when you send cold emails. Maintaining proper email drafts and sending them out at timely intervals increases your click-through and conversion rates.

Above mentioned are a few steps you should be making sure that you follow when you send out cold emails to your clients. Should be quite helpful in increasing your conversion rates and achieving your goals.

submitted by /u/AkshyAnbu
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