Sunday, August 23, 2020

What Does Not Kill You Makes You Stronger

Online marketing is a contact sport.

Only the strong survive, and that’s healthy.

It keeps everyone on their toes, constantly striving, developing, innovating, one eye on the market, and the other on the competition, whether that competition be other businesses offering similar products, or the simple status quo.

Let’s talk about some of the competitive weapons you can use to stay in the game and thrive.

Your first weapon is to create a superior promise. A stronger promise, felt more deeply and passionately. A wider promise that touches more people within the target market. A more believable promise, that brings in the skeptics as well as the susceptible.

Also at your disposal is the identification element. What kind of roles can you give your prospects to play in your marketing and with your products and services? Can you create a convincing characterization that is more exciting, more rewarding, or more prestigious than your competition?

And of course, there is the delicate direct attack, where you make straight comparisons, offering evidence of your superiority. Unless you are the dominant player in your marketplace, you may well want to take this approach. As the little guy, or the new kid on the block, it may be necessary to channel desire away from entrenched players, and on to your product or service.

The mechanics of the direct attack – how to float like a butterfly & sting like a bee …

This direct attack is tricky business. Many salesmen make the sorry mistake of spreading F.U.D. (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) about the competition without sufficient substantiation. The result is a loss of trust, and heightened suspicion. And millions in sales are lost because of it.

If you cannot show convincingly by comparison that your product or service solves the problems that arise from the weaknesses inherent in other alternatives, say nothing. Your prospect knows your attack is biased.

On the other hand, if you can show your prospect that the critique you are providing is for his own good, through a careful process of logic, evidence, and documentation, he welcomes it. And you can sway his loyalty.

One of the most effective ways of doing this is to invite your prospects to do the comparison for themselves. Then show them how to do it.

Yes, the proverbial “Buyer’s Guide”. It makes a great lead generation magnet …

What Makes A Superior All-Terrain Vehicle?

When inspecting an ATV, take careful note of how much protection the vehicle body affords you. Are you riding on top of the machine, or sitting in it? If you’re riding on top, it will be next to impossible to keep clean and dry on extended adventures.

While you’re at it, take the unit out into the parking lot and test the turning radius. What you’re looking for is an almost “about face” capability, especially if you do a lot of riding in the bush. If you’re pulling a trailer, you may find it virtually impossible to back your way out of an impasse without that kind of superior maneuverability.

Another important consideration is ground pressure. Be sure to ask how much downward force is exerted under each wheel. If you’re planning on navigating mud and wetlands, anything over 200 pounds per wheel could easily get you in trouble. Insist on a track assembly as well …

This is a great way to execute a direct attack. It’s a pre-emptive strike that installs buying criteria before you speak with the prospect.

The Whosit ATV is strategically designed to cradle its occupants, keeping you cleaner, warmer, and dryer, contributing substantially to your enjoyment of the vehicle.

It’s patented “skid steering” means you can virtually turn on a dime … perfect for hauling wood out of the bush!

And because it’s got 6 wheels instead of 4 it exerts just 165 pounds of ground pressure per wheel, which allows you to traverse incredibly soft, muddy or swampy terrain. Or even very deep snow with the optional track assembly. Bolts on in minutes!

This is a nice angle to play because you never come right out and point a finger at the competition. You merely imply the various weaknesses of their product or service.

If you do this well enough, you can give the prospect the impression he has done his homework and come to an informed decision, without even looking at the competition.

After all, why would you invite him to make the comparison if what you’re saying isn’t true? And why should he go to the trouble when you’ve obviously done such a thorough job of it already?

You can even use this comparative analysis as a reason for booking a call with you. It makes…

The perfect CTA to put in a lead generation magnet …

Your roof is a significant investment.

But what can cost you double or triple, is waiting until AFTER the major water damage… when repairs become astronomical.

That’s why it’s so important to have one of our expert consultants inspect your roof and prepare your RFQ.

This is a term used between professionals to discuss the details of specific repairs, materials, and costs… in such a way that it’s easy, comparing apples to apples.

In the industry, it means Request for Quote and is also called, “an expertly prepared scope of work.”

Unfortunately, standard operating procedure for learning what’s needed for your roof is like going to the doctor.

Most contractors use terms that are impossible to understand and come at you so fast it makes you feel overwhelmed, dumb, and embarrassed or intimidated about asking questions.

But we’ve simplified EVERYTHING.

There’s even a glossary of terms so you don’t have to spend your day looking them up on Google.

Our roof examination may take a few hours because it’s extremely detailed. And our consultant will take the time to help you understand EVERYTHING on the RFQ.

We look at EVERY tile, EVERY shingle, EVERY seam, EVERY valley and ridge, EVERY square foot of paint, EVERY gutter and down pipe.

Then we fax or email two versions of the RFQ to you the very next day.

One version has our prices filled in, and the other is blank, so you can give it to other roofing contractors.

It explains every repair, every cost, what’s desperate and what can wait, what’s structural and what’s just for show, and even the reasons why each item is important.

You should use this document to collect and compare other estimates and make sure any roofing contractors you’re talking to KNOW that YOU KNOW what’s going on.

So you won’t be fooled by a “low-ball” quote or pressured into doing something you don’t understand.

But there’s one catch…

Our schedule has been filling up so fast we can only guarantee quick appointments (within the next 3 days) if you call us in the next 48 hours.

After that, it’s first-come, first-served, which may be several weeks before we can get to you.

Remember, a detailed and professionally prepared RFQ is a $500 value. Sharing it with other contractors can save you a great deal of time, money, and unnecessary frustration when it comes to getting the best deal on your roofing.

So DON’T WAIT, since the RFQ is FREE… and water doesn’t wait.

But you won’t wait either… when we schedule your appointment.

We’ll be there ON TIME… to the minute… so you don’t have to be watching out your window (to see if we’ll show up at all).

CALL US NOW at XXX-XXX-XXXX or book your appointment online with this convenient scheduler.

We look forward to making your roofing experience not just tolerable, but a positive, stress-free, and enjoyable one.


Your prospects don’t want a sales pitch.

But they welcome a fair and objective evaluation of their options.

It’s what we give you at our free strategy session.

You can explore the effectiveness of your offer.

You can gauge the persuasiveness of your lead generation magnet.

You can measure the efficiency of your traffic, and how convincingly you are converting and following up on that traffic.

And you can do it all without cost or obligation.

Our only interest is a thorough analysis of the facts.

And you be the judge.

Book a call today!



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