Monday, August 3, 2020

When Should You Start Email Marketing?

start email marketingAre you wondering when you should start email marketing? I had some interesting conversations with a number of internet marketers, recently, and the conversation came around to email marketing (as it always does). Someone asked “When is the best time to start email marketing?” and I thought it would make a good post to share with our readers.

One person hadn’t opened an account yet. When I asked why, they said they would start email marketing once they had a list to sell to. My response was, “So, you want to build your house first and THEN get the tools you will need to build your house?”. He said, “Yeah … I guess that doesn’t make sense, does it?”.

The best time to start email marketing is before you are ready. What do I mean?

If you are still in the process of developing your product or service, you can begin generating leads ahead of time. This helps you gauge interest and begin building rapport ahead of time. This way, when you are ready to launch, you have people already interested in purchasing from you.

When we started, I was building my leads list while the program was being written. I was asking marketers about their level of interest, the features they would like to see, and how they would use the service, etc… I asked them for their name and email address.

Before we even went “live” with our autoresponder, we had a list of people (names and email addresses) that wanted to know more and had expressed an interest in being a customer. When we actually launched, we had customers rolling in from day 1. We decided to start email marketing before the service was available and I’m very glad we did.

Of course, if you already have a product or service ready to market, it just makes even more sense to be using email marketing to generate leads, follow up, and drive sales for your offer.

Here are a few reasons why I love email marketing and why I believe that NOW is the right time to start email marketing:

Email Marketing is predictable. Once you build your list and start tracking your results, you can begin to reasonably predict sales results.

Email Marketing is repeatable. You can market to your list over and over, again, without increasing your costs.

Email Marketing is measurable. At any time, you can track how your list is growing, how many readers are actually opening your messages, and how many readers click through to your offer.

Email Marketing  is a business asset. When you have a good email marketing list, you have an incredibly valuable business asset you can use over and over again to generate sales revenue.

This is why I believe that NOW is absolutely the right time to start email marketing.

Yours In Success,


Brian Rooney, CEO

Email Marketing Tips



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