Monday, September 14, 2020

Email marketing service that will actually integrate with my backend

I'm looking for a provider that will allow for tight integration with my website's backend, so that my users can actually sign up, unsubscribe and resubscribe to marketing emails, and to different kinds of emails. Unfortunately I'm finding that many wouldn't allow my users to resubscribe themselves by checking a checkbox on my website, but rather would have to go find an old email they received and click on the "change your preferences" link to be able to resubscribe. I'm hoping to be able to implement a more normal workflow where users can subscribe or unsubscribe from the website directly like you can do on any major website nowadays.

So the requirements would be:

  • I can use the API to add subscribers.
  • I can use the API to change the lists/tags that a person is subscribed to.
  • I can use the API to resubscribe a user (that has chosen to do so on the website). Another option would be for their platform to allow me to set my own unsubscribe links on the emails, and not add their own, so that unsubscribing only unsubscribes them in my backend, and not in their system.
  • I can use the API to schedule sending new emails.
  • Ideally it would do what you would expect from a full email marketing solution, like tracking deliveries, opens, bounces, and have hooks that call my API to notify me of unavailable addresses, etc.

Desired features, but not mandatory:

  • It would be really useful if it allowed storing email templates.
  • WYSIWYG editor for the templates, even though this is the least important thing.
  • Manual scheduling of emails to certain lists/segments directly on their website.

I'm handling transactional emails through another provider.

Also, I tried Sendgrid, but I had very big deliverability issues with @yahoo and @hotmail addresses.

Edit: Clarified the requirements.

submitted by /u/langdreamer
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