Thursday, September 24, 2020

How to adapt your SEO strategy to navigate through the pandemic

30-second summary:

  • When you’re starting with your adapted SEO strategy, it’s important to acknowledge the changes in your working environment. All remote teams need to evaluate their communication needs to improve their efficiency in the ‘new normal’.
  • You don’t want more unfortunate surprises during turbulent times. Meaningful reporting can connect content, SEO, marketing, and web activities to give everyone the visibility to plan for future projects.
  • The idea is to reduce unnecessary meetings to empower your team to work on their own. Start by communicating your SEO strategy and what everyone will work on.
  • One of the first changes should be to look at your website and your content to make it more relevant. Explain how COVID-19 is affecting your businesses and how you’re still supporting your clients.

Right after the initial shock of the pandemic, many businesses are reassessing their strategies to remain successful. Organic search can help you set up a successful SEO strategy to support your business’s recovery.

Conductor has written a post-pandemic SEO strategy playbook with practical tips to explore business opportunities through organic search.

Content created in partnership with Conductor.

The power of SEO during COVID-19

As we are all spending more time at home, Google searches are increasing. There is an estimate of 20 billion searches every day.

This is a great opportunity for businesses to capitalize search traffic to increase sales.

What’s more, SEO is a low-cost and very effective method to increase your brand awareness before you increase your ad spend.

What’s important though is to understand how COVID-19 has affected SEO and how to adjust your strategy.

Defining your remote communication style

When you’re starting with your adapted SEO strategy, it’s important to acknowledge the changes in your working environment. All remote teams need to evaluate their communication needs to improve their efficiency in the ‘new normal’.

Start with internal communications and the tools that will get your team more productive. Foster an environment of transparency and accountability and document the team’s workflows.

Improved visibility can help you prioritize the crucial tasks that you need to focus on. Moreover, the more transparent you are, the easier it becomes to collaborate with different departments towards shared objectives.

Conductor recommends the use of surveys to gather feedback about your website, your marketing campaign or even for content ideas. It’s a great way to plan for short and long-term projects while getting perspective from various teams.

All the findings can help you set up your communication style, how you’re interacting as a team and how you can be more productive.

Create meaningful reporting

You don’t want more unfortunate surprises during turbulent times. Meaningful reporting can connect content, SEO, marketing, and web activities to give everyone the visibility to plan for future projects.

It’s not enough to create reports that nobody is interested in reading. It’s time to build digestible reports that your stakeholders would appreciate.

There are many things that you can measure to support your SEO strategy. You can also work alongside different teams to discover interesting insights that can lead to multiple wins.

For example, working with the sales team can help you spot opportunities to appeal to potential customers. Search insights can help you create the right content while providing valuable data to your salespeople.

Keep in mind, your executives should include what your stakeholders want to see. It’s important to align your tactics with the key factors that will affect your business success, such as traffic, revenue, retention, etc.

Looking for creative reporting? The Conductor team is recommending the use of a five-minute video that can replace a time-consuming report.

Use it to describe your team’s performance and what you’re planning to do next.

Train your team to be self-sufficient

The best way to maintain your productivity in a remote environment is to train your team to be self-efficient. If there are many similar questions from your team, how about creating a report answering these questions?

The idea is to reduce unnecessary meetings to empower your team to work on their own. Start by communicating your SEO strategy and what everyone will work on.

Encourage your team to share their ideas and work on an action plan that will get the most of every team member.

Identify high priority changes

This is the best time to focus on what matters. Work with your team and your key stakeholders to define your priorities and how to spend more time on them.

It’s important to communicate all the changes with your customers to keep them up-to-date with what’s happening.

Start by answering the question:

What do customers want to know about my business and any recent changes related to COVID-19?

The answer can help you work on your internal and external communication to give everyone more clarity on what’s coming up.

One of the first changes should be to look at your website and your content to make it more relevant. Explain how COVID-19 is affecting your businesses and how you’re still supporting your clients.

Look at your current SEO strategy and adjust the keywords and content plan, if needed.

Review your online profiles and business listing to keep all relevant details up-to-date.

For example, ecommerce companies should update all the information around delivery details, product availability and potential offers.

If you are changing your working hours or your business focus, make sure you communicate the changes with your customers.

There’s no over-communication during a crisis.

Looking at the bigger picture

It’s not just about surviving the current situation. Your business should also look at the bigger picture of what’s coming up next.

It’s the best opportunity now for planning, reflection, and collaboration.

If you’re using Conductor, look at your workflows to understand the impact of the crisis in your visibility. Adjust your plans accordingly, if needed.

Stay on top of change with regular monitoring and use your SEO strategy to maintain long-term success for your business.

Ready to explore practical tips to improve your SEO strategy post-pandemic? Download Conductor’s SEO strategy playbook for additional ideas and templates.


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