Wednesday, September 2, 2020

How to Get More People to Your Event with AWeber + Eventbrite

How to get people to your event with AWeber + Eventbrite

Did you know that social media and email marketing are the  two of the most popular ways to promote an event, followed by word of mouth?

2020 Events Trends Report graphic of top performing channels.
Source: 2020 Events Trend Report

And that makes sense. If you want to connect with your attendees before, during, and after your event, email is the way to do it. 

Plus, you can create a truly remarkable experience for your event attendees through email by sending event updates, reminders, and useful information. 

AWeber's integration with Eventbrite makes it super easy to send ticket buyers content you know they’ll love to enhance their experience with your business.

Step #1: Connect Eventbrite to your AWeber account and start sending personalized emails to your event registrants. 

Read on to learn more about email marketing for your event with AWeber and Eventbrite.  

What Is Eventbrite?

Eventbrite is an online hub for scheduling events, hosting, promoting, and managing events – essentially, it is a one-stop-shop for selling tickets and passes to performances, fundraisers, special events and more.

Eventbrite app landing page

Just like you, we want to sell out our events, which is why we use Eventbrite. But that can be easier said than done. To ensure success, we develop a promotion strategy that generates early interest and maintains momentum until the last ticket or registration is sold. And you can too — with the Eventbrite + AWeber integration.

How to collect emails from Eventbrite

When you connect Eventbrite with your AWeber account, the Eventbrite app will add your attendees to the AWeber list of your choice. You can send out event announcements, ticket information, and updates straight to your attendees. 

Adding event attendees to your mailing list is a great way to give them more information about the upcoming event. Keep in touch with them after the event is over, thanking them for coming, or extending invitations to future events. Staying in touch before, during, and after an event has never been easier.

How every industry can benefit from Eventbrite + AWeber

No matter what industry you're in, you can benefit from the AWeber and Eventbrite integration. Here are some ideas for you.


Eventbrite is a great way to promote your fundraiser.  Once attendees are added to your email list, you can keep them updated by sharing:

  • How much money is raised throughout the month/year
  • Ideas and polls for future fundraising events
  • Other ways they can help your organization

Since attendees are clearly interested in your cause, chances are they'll want to stay in touch.

Restaurants, gyms, and other everyday businesses

If you have a business that people need to visit at a physical location, hosting events and communicating with your list are easy. Whether you’re hosting a free tasting night or an open house, it's all about letting your community know your doors are open. Once they're on your email list, you can share:

  • Special occasions and events held throughout the year
  • Membership discounts
  • Bring-a-friend incentives

After you get them in the door, you have a better chance of having them return. And that’s the hard part: you've convinced someone of your value. Repeat customers are 9 times more likely to convert than a first-time shopper and increase word of mouth advertising.


Do you sell cool products that solve a problem for your audience? Are some of your products new? You can hold demonstrations showing off what your merchandise does and how it can help. Get attendees on your email list, and you can then:

  • Cross-sell with accessories that support the main product
  • Provide coupons and sale dates, so people are eager to purchase
  • Share news about what's in the pipeline for your business

If they're interested enough to check out what your products are about, they'll most likely continue to be interested in your businesses' new developments.

Turn your event attendees into customers 

Email gives you the unique ability to create personalized experiences for people who previously attended your events. AWeber lets you segment the people on your email list so you can talk to them as individuals based on interests, location, or how engaged they are in the content you send them. 

Create a compelling offer and use it to drive customers. It could be a discount on an incentive (free content or VIP upgrade) with ticket purchase. 

Not sure what to write or how to set it up? AWeber has pre-built welcome campaigns that you can customize and instantly set up.

AWeber welcome series pre-built campaign

Here's an example of what an email series could look like:

Email 1: Thank you for your purchase

This email thanks your customer for purchasing a ticket, tells them when they can expect at your event, includes links to ticket or parking information, and introduces your company.

The goal is to start building a relationship with your new customer.

Email 2: Freebie we mentioned at the event

This email contains an incentive you may have teased at the event or is similar to the event's theme.  

The goal is to build a relationship with your customers by introducing them to content you think they will find valuable based on their event attendance.

Email 3: 10% off early bird special on your next event 

This email gives your subscribers a 10% discount on one of your upcoming events.

The goal is to create a sense of urgency to convince your subscribers to purchase a future event ticket. 

Drive more sales with AWeber Tag Support

Once AWeber's Eventbrite integration is installed, when someone buys a ticket to your event, they are added to your subscriber list in AWeber. That means any time you want to connect with your customers, all you have to do is email your list in AWeber. 

Personalization is even easier with Tag support. A Tag consists of a keyword or phrase that is associated with a specific product. Here are a few of the cool things you can do with AWeber's Eventbrite integration with Tag support:

  • Easily manage your Tags. Apply single or multiple Tags based on subscriber behavior or purchased products. View a particular event's unique Tags at a glance. 
  • Grow your email list. Add Eventbrite event registrants to your list when they make a purchase or attend a free event.
  • Turn first-time event attendees into repeat customers. Email new customers an incentive — like a coupon, discount code, or free content — they may like based on the type of event they attended and location. 
  • Deliver emails based on a person's event history. Tag support gives you the flexibility to enter a unique set of Tags for an event attended. That way, you can follow up with more relevant, personalized content and increase revenue opportunities.
  • Automate your campaigns. Easily add subscribers to different lists based on the events they attended and interests. Use advanced settings to automate campaigns that trigger when a particular Tag is applied to someone in your list .

AWeber’s Drag-and-Drop Editor makes it easy to create emails

AWeber makes it easy to introduce new events  to your customer list in a few minutes. Set up the Tags you want to use in your AWeber account. Drag over the element called a "product block" right into an email, and enter the information about your upcoming event. The details of your product will load directly into the email.

Step by step instructions on how to integrate EventBrite with AWeber

AWeber + Eventbrite creates an experience that attendees won’t forget and keeps your audience engaged with your business outside of the events and top of mind. 

Best free email marketing software

Our mission is simple: to deliver powerfully-simple email marketing tools to help small business owners and entrepreneurs — like you — grow your business.

AWeber Free is our completely free email marketing and landing pages plan — perfect for those who are just getting started or kicking off a passion project. We’ll give you everything you need to start building your audience today.


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