Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Why Email Marketing Makes Sense

why email marketing makes senseLet’s take a good look at why email marketing makes sense. Of all the marketing methods available, we think this one makes the most sense, and if you’re not sure why, just keep reading.

The first reason email marketing makes sense is ROI (Return On Investment). Any business that wants to launch a marketing campaign is going to want to get the biggest possible return. And, this is why email marketing makes sense. The return on email marketing far outweighs the return on any other marketing channel. You can simply get more bank for your buck with a solid email marketing campaign.

Another reason why email marketing makes sense is how quickly you can launch an email marketing campaign. Quite often, we are able to create a powerful offer and broadcast it out to our subscribers within the hour. Most of the time, we see sales coming in within minutes of the broadcast starting.

Let that sink in. Before the broadcast has finished going out, new sales are coming in. You just can’t get that with direct mail or social media alone.

Flexibility is a pretty big factor, as well. If a campaign falls flat or performs below expectations, you can quickly change a subject line or call to action and try, again.

One of the things we really love about email marketing is the “evergreen” impact email marketing can have on sales. An email that went out weeks or even months ago can result in new engagement and new sales long after the fact. Someone that didn’t have the time when they first got the email may have saved the message to review later. When they liked the offer, they placed an order.

Tell us some of your favorite examples of why email marketing makes sense for your business. We’d love to hear your feedback and we are happy to answer any questions you may have for us.

Email Marketing Tips


source https://blog.trafficwave.net/email-marketing-tips/why-email-marketing-makes-sense/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=why-email-marketing-makes-sense

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