Friday, October 16, 2020

Adwords Consulting

Google AdWords can be both exciting and terrifying.

If you get it right, AdWords could totally transform your business by driving high traffic, generating more leads and revenue, and boosting sales.

But if you get it wrong, you‘ll end up spending thousands of dollars and get absolutely nothing in return.

Let’s consider the following statistics:

However, the tantalizing world of advertisements isn’t as straightforward as it seems.

You see, neither the promises nor problems that come with Google AdWords can fully describe the dynamic mechanism of a marketing platform and how it works.

Additionally, you may not have the time or may not be able to give the required attention to understand the intricacies related to it.

Have no doubt though – it is possible to make money on AdWords, but you need to have the right guidance. 

So if you want to use your Google ads account to its full potential, you should definitely consider hiring an AdWords consultant.

Our team at Neil Patel Digital will help you through the process of hiring a suitable consultant for your business that can help you grow and prosper, along with getting other benefits.

4 Ways an Adwords Consultant Can Help Grow Your Business


That’s the number of small businesses that have already started using pay-per-click or PPC advertising to reach customers. 

So if you find your sales dwindling, you now know the reason why.

Incorporating Google AdWords into your marketing strategy is the only way you won’t fall behind. Instead, you can boost your brand awareness, get more leads, and increase sales – all at the same time!

However, without an AdWords consultant, the whole process can become time-consuming, costly, and of course, prone to errors.

Here are our top four reasons why you should take the plunge and get yourself a consultant.

Manage and Improve Quality Score

Google wants to connect searchers with organic content and advertisements that most closely align with what they’re looking for.

And let us tell you beforehand that things haven’t been easy. 

For years, Google had a problem with companies using and bidding on keywords that were unrelated to the actual keyboard they bid.

End results? Aggravated and confused users.

Precisely why the Quality Score system was created.

It’s a dynamic variable that looks at different aspects of your ad and campaign, with each keyword having its own score that affects your ad rank and cost per click. 

Hence, it becomes crucial to know whether or not a specific keyword or campaign can be profitable for your company.

Plus, if you have a higher Quality Score, you‘ll get a discounted price on each click. So a Quality Score of 10 provides a discount of 30% on every click – this gives you plenty of wiggle room for your advertising campaign.

A Google AdWords consultant can improve the Quality Score for any campaigns by doing the following:

  • Segmenting campaigns around smaller targeted ad groups to increase the relevance of ads.
  • Since ads that contain keywords of the search are more relevant than ads that don’t, a consultant optimizes AdWords ad copy to increase click-through rates of the ads.
  • Creating laser-targeted landing pages.
  • Decreasing website load times to provide better experiences to users.

Ultimately, improving your Quality Score can have a positive effect on your AdWords campaign’s profitability, allowing you to reach more customers and improve your ROI.

Staying Ahead in the Competition

If your competitors are already using PPC advertising, there is a higher possibility for you to fall behind.

But utilizing Google ads can level the playing field even if you have a limited advertising budget – just use the expertise of your ads specialist to get ahead.

A consultant can ensure you use the right ad tools and strategies without maximizing your budget. Plus, they think of intelligent tactics to make you closer to your end goals.

This will enable you to attract high-quality leads to your business without wasting money, while your competitors still dig through low-quality prospects.

Deliver Fast Results

Visitors who land on your website through Google ads are 50% more likely to purchase than organic visitors.

Hence, if you get your campaigns right – something that an experienced consultant can ascertain – you‘re assured faster and immediate results

In fact, you can have your campaigns up and running within days if you contact an experienced team who is well-versed in Google ads.

This is due to several factors.

Firstly, the consultant has access to expert Google ad tools, so you don’t have to waste money paying for these tools yourself. Moreover, they can develop a list of target keywords and provide key insights into your target audience and competitors.

All these efforts will help develop a stronger campaign for your company, ensuring better customer targeting.

The best part here is that unlike search engine optimization, AdWords work immediately. 

You won’t have to wait to see results. Instead, you can generate and start nurturing leads immediately.

Write Convincing Copy and Design Effective Landing Pages

Landing pages play a crucial role in the success of your campaign. 

While some consultants offer an in-house solution for landing page design, others might contract out to a designer or company to help them.

Either way, you need an excellent landing page since your campaign’s conversion rate and Quality Score are dependent on it.

Additionally, these specialists are well-versed in the art of copywriting, which helps convey your value and offer better to your audience. They can make the copy persuasive too by including the following key components:

  • An attention-grabbing headline
  • A compelling story
  • Social proof in the form of case studies, testimonials, and so on
  • Adding a personalized touch
  • Making customer-focused copy
  • Adding a call to action

How to Get Started With an Adwords Consultant

Hiring a consultant can be the first step to make your Google AdWords campaign a success, but you shouldn’t bring just anybody onboard – you need to do your homework.

Getting the Hiring Right

The first you should do is make sure your consultant is Google AdWords-certified

The individual should’ve passed exams, undergone quarterly training to refresh their skills and knowledge, and be familiar with the technical side of AdWords. 

Eventually, all this knowledge and expertise can help them realize profits from your website or blog.

It would be even better if they are a Google Ads partner

You see, Google Partners is a special certification from Google that shows a Google ad manager who has experience managing campaigns, along with a Google certification in at least one specialized area of Google ads.

Use this list of questions to find the right AdWords consultant:

  • How many years of experience do you have in PPC management?
  • What kinds of PPC campaigns have you managed? Who are your past clients?
  • Have you ever maintained internal lists of negative keywords?
  • Can you explain your campaign optimization process?
  • Do you offer search engine optimization services and paid search? Will you be willing to do social media advertising if I want to expand?

You can ask these questions whether you hire the freelancers on platforms, such as Reddit or Upwork, or opt for a team of seasoned consultants by filling out an inquiry form.

Holding Discovery Sessions for Efficient Goal-Setting

After choosing a consultant, you should hold frequent meetings to make sure everybody is on the same page and clear out any doubts about your business goals and budget.

Discovery sessions can be an excellent opportunity to communicate your expectations from the ad campaigns, whether it involves increasing brand awareness and reach, sales, leads, or website traffic. 

If you want to establish a loyal customer base and want your target audience to consider your company’s products and brands before your competitors, you’ll have to let the consultant know.

Review the Campaign Strategy

This stage is where your chosen consultant should shine. 

They should use their expertise and knowledge to chalk out a draft of the marketing campaign and help you develop SMART goals. 

These are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based. In other words, goals that can help you grow your business in the longer run.

For instance, you may want to increase your sales of Product A by 25% before the end of the first quarter – the framework should reflect on how to achieve it.

Review the whole plan and suggest changes if needed. If you aren’t happy with anything, make sure you let the AdWords consultant know. 

Launch the Campaign

A learning curve is involved whenever you launch an ad campaign.

Setting unrealistic expectations will always leave you disappointed, so you need to have an open mind.

The first few weeks after your campaign goes live, your consultant will get an idea about the preferences of your target audience and the type of content that creates better engagement. They can then use these insights to come up with better strategies to boost Google ad’s appeal.

The main thing here is to get the ball rolling. After all, it’s the only way to get access to first-hand data to ensure future success.

Monitoring and Reporting

Most consultants will provide you monthly reports to keep you in the loop throughout the lifetime of your AdWords campaign.

Make sure the reports cover crucial data points as total ad spend, number of clicks, click-through rate, and number of conversions. You can also ask the consultant to calculate important KPIs like cost per acquisition, to determine the overall ROI.

Continued monitoring will help smoothen the whole process and allow you to make adjustments to improve campaign performance.

Measuring the ROI of Adwords Consulting Services

How do you measure and define success?

Along with having a vision for your campaigns, a consultant worth their salt should help you define the best metrics to gauge the success of every campaign. 

The best way to do so is to determine which key performance indicators (KPIs) are best to keep track of your campaigns and make sure that they are working as intended.

Accurate Conversion Tracking

Setting a conversion tracking should be given top priority.

Website clicks don’t always translate to sales. Hence, it’s crucial to track the click from the ad to the completion of the sale. 

This can be done through phone call leads, call tracking, or until the visitor sees the final “Thank You“ page.

Targeting the Right Search Terms

Another crucial aspect for measuring ROI for Google ads, you should ensure all your ads are targeting buying-intent keywords rather than research-intent keywords. 

In the end, ROI is determined by the overall sales resulting from ad clicks.

Distinguishing between keywords is the expert‘s job, so it’s better to leave that to your consultant. Moreover, the consultant should keep testing your keywords over time and measure the results to make smarter decisions about keyboard biddings.

Considering Bid Price

Your ROI will be positive when your sales revenue exceeds ad cost.

That’s the easy part.

However, understanding what bids to use for every keyword to generate the desired ROI is incredibly tricky.

To determine this, you need to first calculate earnings per click, which is the total amount of revenue you generate per click on your ads. This will always vary from keyword to keyword.

Let’s take an example to understand earnings per click better:

Suppose you generate $200 for conversion, and the conversion rate is 2%. In this case, your earnings per click will be $4, or in other words, you‘re generating $4 in revenue for every click. 

This also means if you bid and pay more than $4, you’ll end up making a loss, and your ROI will be negative.

The next step here is to measure the cost per click or CPC. Now that you know your earnings per click, you can calculate your bid price to generate your desired ROI.

Let’s continue with the above example.

If your desired ROI is 50% and your earnings per click are $4. then your target CPC will be $4 / (ROI + 1), which is $2.67.

Other KPIs

In addition to the above, you can consider the following KPIs for improving your campaigns:

  • Impressions
  • Impression rate
  • Click-through rates
  • Clicks
  • Quality Score

4 Point Checklist For Finding the Right AdWords Consultant

The following is a quick checklist to hire the best AdWords consultant for your brand who can successfully deliver results and understands the required know-how:

Expertise to Deliver What You Want

You’ve used the help of an AdWords consultant and have finally launched a campaign, but is it successful?

The only way that the campaign will be deemed successful if the outcome is aligned with your marketing goals. Whether it’s getting more leads, boosting sales, establishing a loyal buyer base – whatever you want.

Once you figure out your objectives, make sure that you clearly communicate it with the prospects.

The candidate should assure you they have the necessary expertise to get the job done. 

They should be able to create excellent landing pages, write attention-grabbing and persuasive copy, and employ expert tools for better performances and get insights about your target audience.

Team Makeup

Find out whether the consultancy is a one-man show or is really a proper agency.

It’s better to opt for a company that comprises several experienced and expert team members. This will give you access to lots of experience, lots of resources, and of course, more man power.

Ask yourself: Would you want your AdWords account to be neglected just because your lone consultant has come down with the flu?

Having a full-fledged team facilitates better strategic decisions and a higher profitability possibility as well.

Now, we aren’t saying you won’t find solo experts who know AdWords inside and out despite not having any staff to support them. They are mostly exceptions, though, and limited in number.

An Exemplary Portfolio of Clients

Experience is important.

The consultant should be able to show you tangible proof about past clients and not just hear-say. Make sure they have previous experience in your industry and can work with your budget.

Familiarity with your industry will give them a better idea of the kind of keywords to start targeting, and having worked with budgets similar to yours will help them effectively manage money every month.

So it’ll be a win-win situation for you either way.

Ability to Create a Winning AdWords Strategy 

Whether you opt for a full-fledged company or a freelancer, AdWords consultancy will have unique processes depending on who you choose?

Regardless of the process, your main priority should be to make every campaign as exclusive and appealing as possible. The consultant must have an innovative thought process backed by technical know-how and a persuasive style of doing things.

Wrapping Up

Choosing an AdWords consultant should give you a higher ROI, either in the long-run or short run.

They should know the right search terms to target, choose the best bid price, and measure the overall revenue correctly to determine the level of success of every campaign.

At Neil Patel Digital, we have a superb team with years of experience and knowledge. We’re well-versed in the best AdWords practices, and also offer additional programs like SEO and content creation to maximize performance and results. 

Get the ball rolling by contacting us here.


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