Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The power of voice can help marketing teams capitalize on content

30-second summary:

  • Trint, an AI-powered transcription technology platform, published a whitepaper explaining how to repurpose video and audio into multiple types of content.
  • Virtual events present a huge opportunity to repurpose video and audio beyond the initial event—but only if that content is accessible.
  • Speech-to-text technology like Trint’s can transcribe audio in real-time with the help of AI. It has a high degree of accuracy, enabling voice content to be turned into transcripts which can then be repurposed as blogs, sales decks, customer stories, social media posts, and more.
  • Automated transcription tools, like Trint’s AI-powered speech-to-text platform, offer a quick (and easy) solution for making video content more accessible through video captioning and transcripts.
  • Trint’s platform enables team collaboration, which is essential during this period of working from home, combining automated transcription with AI-enhanced accuracy. Learn more by downloading their free white paper from ClickZ.

How can you make your video and audio work harder, increasing the overall speed-to-market for content production and achieving a better ROI? In a word: intelligent transcription (okay, that’s two words).

Trint is an AI-powered transcription technology platform headquartered in London. They explain how to leverage the power of audio and video content in their whitepaper, Capitalizing on Content: How Marketing Teams Can Get the Most Mileage From Their Content Investments.

Content created in partnership with Trint.

Virtual events provide a wealth of content

This year, we’re all going virtual out of necessity, with events like conferences, classes, and seminars taking place live over Zoom and other platforms.

Virtual events present a huge opportunity to repurpose audio content beyond the initial event—but only if that content is accessible.

Trint writes, “Repurposing your videos into blogs, sales decks, emails, customer stories and social media posts makes your content more accessible to consumers across multiple platforms, touchpoints and devices.”

Transforming your audio and video into new content requires an accurate transcription, which is incredibly time consuming, even maddening, when done manually.

Trint’s speech-to-text technology can transcribe spoken content in real-time. With the help of AI, it has a high degree of accuracy, saving marketers huge amounts of time by turning their audio and video content into transcripts which can be repurposed in many ways.

The importance of video captioning

While one key benefit of transcribing recorded content into text is the ability to repurpose it for marketing materials, it also provides an essential element for usability. Namely, captioning videos.

Captions, which are subtitles overlayed on videos, aren’t just a ‘nice to have’ for the many social media users who watch videos without the sound (as much as 85% on Facebook), but they’re required by law.

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires organizations to provide closed captions or video transcripts, making recorded content accessible for people with disabilities.

Trint’s AI-powered speech-to-text platform, provides a quick (and easy) way to produce  video captions and transcripts.

Trint can transcribe audio in real-time, so meetings, phone calls, and live events can be captured instantly, facilitating compliance and usability.

Unlocking the power of speech

Leveraging audio and video content so that it can be used for text-based marketing collateral requires accuracy. Trint lists several key ingredients that help achieve this, as follows:

  • Automated transcription: With automated transcription, inefficiencies and errors inherent with manual transcription are minimized. It also enables you to transcribe events in real-time, so you can quickly produce content as the event unfolds.
  • Productivity platform: Trint’s editable transcripts empowers teams to work together, enabling collaboration and eliminating bottlenecks. Editing and distributing a Trint transcript is easy and reduces the risk of error that comes with juggling multiple versions of a manually typed transcript.
  • AI-enhanced accuracy: AI-powered transcription creates accurate documents quickly, saving users as much as 75% of time spent on manual transcription. Fast, accurate transcripts give organizations  the ability to produce and repurpose written content faster than ever. Trint’s technology combines automated speech recognition (ASR) with natural language processing (NLP), to produce fast transcripts with as high as 99% accuracy, with clear audio and speech.

Collaborative capabilities with Trint

While automated transcription alone can help improve your content’s speed-to-market, Trint is a collaborative tool aimed at facilitating team collaboration. As such, they’ve equipped their platform with capabilities that enable marketing teams to work together to produce content more quickly. A few of these include:

  • Searchable editing: The Trint Editor maps each recorded word to the transcription making it searchable and eliminating the need to listen to lengthy audio files to locate specific topics or pull quotes. The Editor also allows users to add comments and highlight key moments aiding collaboration and speeding up content creation.
  • Customizability: Trint’s Vocab Builder enables users to create a custom list of words and phrases that might otherwise trip up the AI functionality. This is perfect for jargon-heavy industries, like law and medicine.
  • Instant translation: Trint instantly translates entire transcripts into up to 54 languages, letting users speak to their global audience.

To learn more about Trint and how you can leverage the power of voice in your marketing initiatives, download their free whitepaper from here.


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