Friday, November 27, 2020

Ahrefs: A Case Study

Over the next couple of months, I will post one case study every two weeks about how a specific blog implemented a technique successfully and grew their audience. My focus will be on a tangible implementation suggestion, followed by data to support that move.

On top of this, I will add a small suggestion as to how Highly can help in this direction.

Ahrefs: A Case Study - #001

In 2016, Ahrefs published a case study on their blog. The case study documented changes that they made to their site between November 2015 and February 2016.

Interestingly, Ahrefs deleted 266 posts that weren't getting any traffic on their site. This accounted for 49% of their total posts. Within three months, they saw a traffic increase of 89%. Although it may sound crazy to delete old posts, deleting ones that never saw traffic anyway is a good idea.

How They Did It

By looking at what pages were getting hits in which ones were not, Ahrefs could narrow down what post they should delete and what post they should keep. They did this through content auditing, competitor analysis, keyword research, and promoting the blogs on other mediums like social media.

If this isn't enough of a reason to take a crucial look at what pages are getting viewers, then I don't know what will motivate you to do it.

What This Means for You

If you think that you should take a critical look at the popularity of certain pages, which you should, you need to invest in a good content marketing tool. A tool like Highly can help you figure out what your readers are interested in, helping you create content that is traffic generating and popular.

Here is how: Highly allows bloggers to add a tooltip to their blog so readers can highlight/react/share specific parts of content they enjoy, giving writers the feedback, they need to become better writers.

By using a tool like Highly, you can boost traffic to your site much like Ahrefs.

submitted by /u/DorlaDave
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