Sunday, November 8, 2020

How to Sell More, Faster, and Easier with Piles of TESTIMONIALS!

What’s the big deal about testimonials?

No matter what you say about yourself, and how eloquently, passionately, and how frequently you claim to be the greatest thing since sliced bread…

… What your clients and customers say about you is 100 times more convincing… even if they stutter on paper, misspell words, and write like a 3rd grader.

There is just NOTHING like testimonials to instantly provide PROOF that you’re as good as rumor has it you are.

Actually, even moderate bragging can turn prospects off, make them suspicious, and think, “Yeah, right.”

But when raving fans praise you from the rooftops, even the “outrageous” claims are easy to swallow.

So… if you’ve ever wondered how to get truly awesome, results-based testimonials that tell gripping transformational stories, look no further.

Because here’s what properly-positioned testimonials can do for you:

>>> Remove skepticism, doubt, and hesitancy…

>>> Create authority, credibility, trust, and confidence in what you have to offer…

>>> Reinforce a decision to buy, enroll, or join…

>>> Show prospective buyers or members that they’re part of a select group…

>>> Demonstrate your competence, expertise, and experience.

To give you an idea of the wild ways you can use testimonials, I remember Dan Kennedy talking about one of his clients who sold a very high-ticket product.

When prospects would request information about it, this client would send, along with information about the product, a telephone-book sized packet of hundreds of testimonials.

It dispelled any doubts when you’d receive such a preponderance of proof and made selling a breeze.

So… onto the important question…

What’s the Best Way to Get Testimonials?

Too many entrepreneurs stubbornly cling to an old marketing myth, and it transfers over into obtaining testimonials.

What’s the myth?

That all you have to do is, “Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.”

Maybe that worked when you knew everybody in your little town, back in the late 19th century when Emerson said it, but this mistaken belief is your path to bankruptcy if you buy into it today.

So when it comes to testimonials, you can’t wait until people are astonished by how great your coaching is, or what a fabulous dentist you are, or how your insightful consulting catapulted them into the stratosphere.

Instead, you’ve gotta ASK for them, because they may believe you walk on water but never think to give you a testimonial.

That’s right, A – S – K!

The trouble is, many entrepreneurs feel it’s demeaning and beneath them.

The underlying belief is that if you’re good enough, testimonials should mysteriously appear out of the ozone.

And if you’re asking, it means you’re NOT so great after all, almost like turning to someone you know and inquiring, “What are all the things you like about me?”

So it’s important to remember Zig Ziglar’s axiom: “Timid salesmen have skinny kids!”

You’ll be surprised when clients say, “Of course, thanks for asking, I’ll be glad to!”

Also, the more you collect and display your testimonials, the more your other clients will see them and want to add their two cents worth.

Besides, if you think you’re going to make them uncomfortable, remember that you don’t ACTUALLY know what your clients and customers are thinking… you’re only projecting your discomfort onto them.

Celebrity Endorsements Are the Gold Standard

The more high profile your testimonials are, the better.

But it’s also important to hear from ordinary folks your clients and customers can relate to.

And if you have a mix of both, it’s even better.

Here are a couple good examples from “celebrities” in the entrepreneurial space.

You’ve seen these on our website if you’ve looked around a bit.

And notice how we use an eye-catching headline for this first one from business-building rock star, Jay Abraham, after we designed a campaign for him:

“Filled My Webinar with Over 2,000 Prospects for a $25,000 Product…”

“With just a few EMAIL ALCHEMY emails, we filled my webinar registration roles with over 2,000 exuberant prospects for a $25,000 product. Because Daniel’s philosophy and easy-to-implement systems are built on TRUST… they extol, advocate, and champion the needs, concerns, and welfare of your prospects and customers. It’s as if he took the core of my “Strategy of Preeminence” and applied its central tenants to email marketing.”

– Jay Abraham, Business Consultant & Strategic Marketing Expert

One of the things I especially like about this testimonial is that it includes details… like the $25,000 product.

It makes the testimonial much more believable.

Here’s another from the late Andy Jenkins, who was a true trailblazer for all of us working online.

Andy also wrote this testimonial after we designed a campaign for him:

Legendary Marketing at Your Fingertips!

“There are legendary names in the industry of Direct Marketing like Gary Halbert, John Carlton, Dan Kennedy, etc…

Daniel Levis is one of these Modern Day legendary names from the school of direct marketing…where marketing principles work based on testing, persuasion, NLP, and psychology.

When a person like Daniel Levis comes around to teach you. THIS is the training you want to take part in.”

– Andy Jenkins, Founder Marketing Genesis, Co-Founder of WebinarJam, EverWebinar

Of course, after getting a testimonial like this, we have to puncture our heads to maintain a little humility.

But you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what your fans say about you.

Now, these marketing experts already know how to provide a hot testimonial.

But what about ordinary folks?

The More Testimonials, the Better!

Not only do you ask, but you can also coach your clients to give you what you want.

For instance, when I was a chiropractor, I used a letter that explained what I was looking for.

And I’d have my staff give it to patients right at the height of their improvement and when they were the most grateful to be out of pain.

For instance, my letter went something like this:

Dear _________________,

Would you do me a small favor? I’m putting together a little booklet of stories about folks like you who’ve had great results here. I’m doing this for 2 reasons.

First, because recently, a guy whose back pain we fixed, asked if I treat headaches.

I almost kicked myself!

I couldn’t believe I hadn’t gotten the word out about one of the most common problems we treat… and treat very successfully.

Headaches aren’t usually too hard to fix so I don’t want people to be wondering if it’s something we do.

And here’s the second reason.

About the same time, a woman with hip pain asked if I’d talk to her reluctant husband about his bad neck. She just knew I could help him, but whenever the subject came up, as she said, he dug his heels in “like a stubborn two-year old.”

That’s why your story is so important, because when someone with the same problem has had such relief, they suddenly have hope.

Then I’d asked them to explain how they felt before they came to the office, how long they waited before making an appointment, what they feared, what their pain prevented them from doing… all the details.

On the flip side, what their life was like now, what they could do again, etc.

I think you get the idea.

And notice that I positioned my request so that OTHERS would be helped, which was absolutely true, and it didn’t seem so self serving.
So use your creativity to ask in a way that fits your niche and your personality.

Use your testimonials everywhere… in sales letters, websites, webinars, emails.

Your bank account will appreciate it!

And to see our monster list of testimonials you can use as models, check out this link.

In the meantime, happy selling!


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