Monday, November 30, 2020

How to Send A Happy New Year Email to Your Business Clients

The New Year is coming up and we’ve never been more ready for a fresh start. We’re guessing many of you feel the same way — and your customers and clients probably do, too. Start the New Year off right by sending a Happy New Year business email to thank the people who’ve made your year a success. Here are a few ideas to help you get started with your New Year’s email design.

Start the New Year off right by sending a Happy New Year business email to thank the people who’ve made your year a success.
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Why send a Happy New Year email for business?

The new year is a good time to reflect on everything you’ve accomplished over the last 12 months. And chances are, you didn’t achieve your successes on your own. In one survey, 91% of people said they were more likely to do business with a company that appreciated its customers and clients. That’s why it’s essential to show some love to yours! Use these tips for a Happy New Year business email to set your company up for success in the coming year.

Decide who should receive the email

Consider creating a few different Happy New Year emails to go out to different audiences. Send one to your customers and email list, encompassing anyone who has purchased from or interacted with your brand in the past year. Create another message to go out internally, thanking each of your team members for their contributions during the past year. And you may want to send an email to your suppliers or companies you’ve partnered with as well. This Peet’s Coffee email is directed to customers of the company — a fact that’s clear from the email’s copy and tone.

Subject line: Happy New Year from Peet’s

Happy New Year email to business clients

Consider your tone

The tone of your Happy New Year business email will vary based on the audience who will be reading that email. Are you writing to your customers, suppliers or employees? Each group will require a different tone. In this example, Organic Valley is speaking to its customers. The company’s tone is straightforward and direct, recapping the year and saying a genuine thank you to readers.

Subject line: Happy New Year! πŸŽ‰

happy new year email for business

Focus on your readers

It’s nice to recap your company’s year and share the successes you’ve achieved over the past twelve months. But it can also be a good idea to turn the focus away from yourself and onto your clients or customers. Tell your customers that you’ll be there for them to help them achieve their goals and dreams in the new year. You could even invite them to hit reply and share their New Year’s resolutions, creating an opportunity to interact and start off the year on the right foot (then use their replies to create user-generated content later!).

Set the scene

Even though a New Year’s email comes on the tail end of the holiday season, your readers are probably still in holiday mode. Use your email design to give a nod to the festivities. Try using gold accents or scripted fonts to give your Happy New Year business email a little pizzazz. MealPal added a confetti-filled background in this New Year’s email to set the tone for January 1st.

Subject line: Here’s a little New Year treat πŸŽ‰

happy new year email for business

Personalize your messages

No matter who you’re sending your New Year’s email to — whether your customers, employees or a different segment altogether — make sure to customize the email to that group of recipients. Adding first names and direct, personal copy helps your readers feel valued as you speak right to them.

Wrap-up: Happy New Year email template

The end of the year is busy enough as it is. Don’t create extra work for yourself! Work off of the same base Happy New Year email template, simply tweaking the copy to make it appropriate for each separate email you send. Our New Year’s email templates are easy to customize using the BEE email editor. Just pick your favorite email and add your images and text (plus any brand visuals you desire). Then send your best wishes for the New Year business email off — reinforcing your relationship with your customers and employees as they ring in 2021!

Take a look at our Template Catalog!

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