Friday, November 6, 2020

Tech Talk with Mopinion: How to improve your digital channels through user feedback

30-second summary:

  • Companies struggle with gaining a better understanding of their users.
  • A lack of understanding results in a decrease in customer retention rates.
  • The Tech Talk discusses how many companies focus only on the quantitative side, rather than the qualitative data.
  • These feedback companies do not provide a way to analyze and map out a plan for implementing the necessary changes (once the quantitative data has been charted).
  • Our latest Tech Talk features the Co-founder of Mopinion, Udesh Jadnanansing who shares insights into how the feedback process works and also how to take the necessary actions to provide meaningful change.

Udesh Jadnanansing, Chief of Revenue and Growth, and the Co-founder of Mopinion talks about how you can improve your digital channels. Before we begin, let us tell you that digital channels or web-based channels are usually used by companies for the purpose of online marketing and promoting their product, service, and brand. Marketing has become an integral part of a company’s success and one cannot side-line it.

However, to determine the right way to market your brand/product/service, you must understand what the customer wants from it.

He talks about how when they started out, the Mopinion team quickly realized that many digital teams only focused on numbers.

Udesh says,

“Their programs consisted of web analytics, AB testing, and standard UX tools. But these types of data alone aren’t enough to better understand the user”

He goes on to mention some necessary points that can improve your online channels. The points comprise more than just numbers. These are:

  • What are the users experiencing?
  • What do they experience when they use your app?
  • What do they experience when they purchase your product online?
  • What if something goes wrong?

The ideal solution should enable digital teams to collect and analyze user feedback easily and then act upon it.

Udesh shares,

“Prior to Mopinion, there were tools available that offered solutions to create a website feedback form to collect data, but the tools were pretty limited, especially if the company wanted to take a deep dive and understand what was happening. You could also not get answers to questions like- ‘What’s the story behind the feedback?’ or ‘How can we use this feedback to improve our online channels’?”

This is what motivated Udesh Jadnanansing to launch the Mopinion software with his colleagues.

To quickly discover Mopinion’s offerings, you can also view their Tech Talk below:

Tech Talk with Mopinion

How does Mopinion help its customers?

Mopinion’s technology is built on three key pillars:

  1. Data collection
  2. Reporting and analytics
  3. Action management

He comments that data collection is where it all starts. You can collect an online user’s feedback regarding your website, mobile apps, and/or emails. Let’s elaborate on the functionality of Mopinion’s three key pillars.

1. Data collection

“You want to be a part of the online customer journey because that is what it’s all about!”, he comments. To make that possible, Mopinion helps you collect customer feedback by making customized feedback forms. You can add questions relevant to the user, and even add specific triggers to ensure the form suits your requirements.

Once your data is in, the building of your dashboards can take place. A dashboard helps you gain a better understanding of the story behind the feedback. You can use text analytics, so you don’t have to go through thousands of items each day, but rather gain an understanding of the general sentiment of your feedback.

2. Reporting and feedback analysis

Mopinion does all the analysis for you, so you don’t have to go through thousands of items each day. They utilize text analytics and advanced dashboarding to identify major trends in the data. Their goal is to make it easier for you to tap into the meaning of those insights.

3. Action management

Udesh says, “Action Management is all about being proactive because YES, you can collect feedback and look at it. But if you are not making use of the tool, then it’s just a fancy tool. This is where action management comes into play! How? Because it involves assigning tasks, working with your team, and making necessary changes to your digital channels.”

Mopinion can be easily integrated with the tools you already have. If you already have a particular flow set up, then integrate Mopinion and use the API or webhooks.

History of Mopinion 

Having initially started with website and mobile app building in 2009, Mopinion didn’t actually start up until around 2012. This is the year that they started becoming more active in the feedback market and started building their feedback software.

By 2017, Mopinion got its first round of funding and really started building up the team and the company. Additionally, they also shifted towards a 100% SaaS business model.

Headquartered in Rotterdam (the Netherlands), Mopinion has a team of 30 colleagues and serves over 200 customers/companies located in 30 different countries. They are active in a wide range of markets including retail, travel, financial, and technology companies (such as SaaS and consumer technology).

How does Mopinion solve the market problem?

In the early days of Mopinion, the majority of its competitors were all doing one thing in particular – data collection. They all were collecting large amounts of feedback but not making it easy for digital teams to work with the feedback or analyze it.

Users of these tools still had to export data to tools such as excel to get an understanding of what the feedback meant. This problem led to Udesh and his team building an integrated solution with which users can collect feedback analyze the data and transform it into meaningful insights.

Additionally, Mopinion integrates with all kinds of other digital tools such as project management tools and UX tools to enrich the feedback data with other data types, so you have a better understanding and total overview of the customer experience.

That is really where we saw Mopinion close the gap between what’s happening in the market and really identifying the needs of digital teams out there.”

How is Mopinion different from its competitors?

1. Flexibility and advanced customization 

One of the first differentiators is Mopinion’s level of flexibility, especially in terms of customization. Mopinion offers various customization options when it comes to building your feedback dashboards and visualizing the feedback in a way that suits you.

2. Connectivity and integration to create context 

Mopinion is part of the marketing stack and works well with various UX tools, web analytics tools, etc.

“These tools not only allow you to gather a good overview of the user experience but also enrich the data that you are collecting!”

3. Access to meaningful, digestible, and actionable insights 

The solution isn’t just about collecting feedback but also doing something with that feedback to improve your digital channels. Putting this data to use can make the whole process of improving customer experience quite easy. Mopinion has all of the features you need to ensure you and your team can work with the feedback and be proactive.

4. A true enterprise and SaaS solution in terms of onboarding, security, and scalability 

Mopinion offers enterprise technology as well as enterprise-level services to aid you with onboarding. There is a dedicated customer success team and a technical team available to help you with any tech-related questions. The Mopinion solution itself is scalable, so it is built to work with high traffic websites, handle large amounts of data, and offer enterprise security.

The whole Mopinion team is ISO certified and familiar with the workings of larger companies.

How to use Mopinion?

In the Tech Talk, Udesh gives a demo to give the users a greater understanding of the Mopinion platform.

You can view the Mopinion Tech Talk or directly sign up with the Mopinion platform to experience a personalized product demo.

Mopinion success stories

Mopinion works with a variety of companies in a wide range of industries, such as PayPal, Walmart, and KLM. One customer in particular that has really reaped the benefits of Mopinion is Alliance, a German insurance company.

Allianz was previously having issues with the customer drop off rate; they were losing many visits just in the registration page/process to sign up for the insurance. Alliance has a great team, and he says many conversion specialists know what they’re doing.

The company was already using a feedback tool before, but that was limited and didn’t offer them enough flexibility or reporting and feedback analytics. They found that Mopinion was a good alternative and decided to give it a go and saw some fantastic results.

Alliance started collecting feedback in their online journey, and immediately noticed that their conversion rate went up; this increase was massive.

This really shows the power of user feedback and value for not only the customer experience but also as a business in terms of revenue and conversions.

Check out Mopinion’s Tech Talk here for a more in-depth look at their offering.


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