Thursday, November 21, 2019

Gaining More Exposure for Your App with Email Marketing

The exponential increase in the number of mobile apps across app stores suggests how often they are used, and the kind of variety that is available in the market. With the plethora of apps, you are never short of features that can help you out with simple as well as complex tasks.

The most crucial task related to an app happens to be marketing it. Without the right marketing abilities, you won’t be able to get the right people on board and entice them to install your app.

Email marketing is a cost-effective and high ROI generating method of marketing your mobile app. It can ably enter into any inbox, and sell your app as the most effective solution for the target audience.

The main reason why you should opt for email marketing is the fact that people will have an email account, even if they don’t possess a social media account. You cannot base your marketing tactics on assumptions, which is what happens when you post on social media. You are never sure whether the target audience gets a chance to see it. However, with email marketing, you are sure that the people would be reached, and also know whether they have read the post or not. Newsletters and other forms of email campaigns can help you win more customers.

How Email Helps Market Mobile Apps?

With email marketing, you tend to use the subscriber list that you have already built to send the emails. Let’s begin with the steps as to how this truly works, and why it is beneficial to you.

  • Start with generating curiosity on your page. Ask people to sign up and be the beta testers for your mobile app. Ask them to sign up using their email addresses. This will help you build an email list to market your mobile app
  • Next, you need to attract your users with the right email strategy. This is so that they can be the beta testers for your mobile app. Make them feel special about being the first users of the mobile app. Make sure you tell them how their feedback is going to be important for you.
  • When users send their feedback, you can send an email thanking them for their participation, and also for the feedback. You can even thank them for being a part of your app’s success.

  • After you have incorporated the feedback, and also launched the app to the store, compose an email that will connect with these testers, and tell them about the app launch. Include a CTA that will take them to the app download page on the app store.

Apart from getting first-time users, you can also help with retention of the users and make them stay on longer.

  • If you have been noticing an increase in the uninstall rate of your mobile app, you can include an explanatory note. It can be automated if you see the behavior within the first three days of the app being downloaded. The explanatory note should add value to the users and should compel them to re-install the app. Include notes such as why they should stay with the app, and how it will prove to be beneficial to them. These notes will help improve the retention rate.

  • The other way of attracting the users to use the app more often is by adding some features and showing their value to the users. For this, you might want to know how the user uses the app, and what is the behavior shown by them while using the app. Eventually, you can personalize the app solution for your user, and even show them features that are unknown or out of their sight.

You now know how email marketing can benefit your users, and improve your mobile app marketing efforts. However, it is important that you incorporate the best practices, and introduce the efficient methods to define your email marketing strategy and win the customers.

Email Marketing Best Practices

  • An email marketing campaign is ineffective if you have not worked hard on building the email list. You need to introduce subscription forms on your site at every point. It is important that every interaction helps build your list effectively. A good list can help with your desired email marketing efforts. There are ways in which you can introduce these sign-up forms.
  • It is inevitable to target the right audience with the app solutions if you want to improve your conversions. More often than not, the mobile app email marketing efforts fail because the app owners believe that all the mobile app subscribers are same. They want the same results for the app solution. The minute you think differently and segment your list into subscribers with common interests, your app marketing results will get better.
  • When crafting an email, make sure you personalize the content to suit the end users receiving the email. Mention the recipient’s name when sending the email. Apart from that, you should include the sender’s details if you want to ensure a good open rate for the emails.
  • It is important to keep the email as short and simple as possible. Flashy graphics, content that is too complicated, and use of jargon that people won’t understand should be avoided when crafting the content. You need to make it easy to understand, and as precise as possible.
  • Call-to-action is a must if you want to convert the visitor into a potential user of the mobile app. They should download the mobile app by clicking through. In case they have already downloaded the mobile app, they should upgrade the mobile app or buy a premium version after reading the email content.
  • When you are marketing a mobile app, it is important that the email is mobile friendly. Most people reading it would be mobile savvy and would prefer opening the email on their mobile phones. If the email is not responsive enough, it may not be read, and the conversion would be a long-lost dream
  • Let the uninterested prospects unsubscribe. Make sure your unsubscribe button is visible, and people can click through them and opt-out with ease.

Summing up

Email marketing is the easiest and the most effective methods of marketing your mobile app. It will help gain more subscriptions, and eventually your efforts in collaboration with the other channels can get your more conversions.

It is important that you define a good email strategy, have an end goal in mind, and keep measuring the success of your email campaign. Improvising your email campaign based on the feedback of your monitoring will help you with the eventual conversions, and mobile app downloads.


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