Monday, November 4, 2019

How Do SEO Copywriting Services Work? A Step-By-Step Process

How does SEO copywriting services work?

If you’ve ever wondered that question, you’re probably a business owner searching for the right marketing methods, a marketing professional trying to master the craft, or even a blogger trying to make your content more pertinent. No matter your intention, you’re probably curious about what exactly SEO copywriting is and how you can do it.

Luckily for you, we are the number one digital marketing company, as ranked no Google, and we’re ready to share our SEO secrets. Here’s a step-by-step guide on SEO copywriting services by professionals in the industry!

A Complete Guide to SEO Copywriting Services

Keyword Research

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword Research is what SEO is all about. Basically, Google associates certain keywords and phrases with your website. For example, Markitors is ranked on Google for “Digital Marketing Company.” When you incorporate those relevant keywords on your site, Google will thus see you as more beneficial and important, ranking you higher in search results.

That’s why it’s so important to find keywords relevant to your site and create content structured around it. It will drive organic traffic to your site. But how do you find keywords you rank for?

Finding Keywords

One way to do it is through Google Search Console. Simple create an account, enter your website URL, and get a list of keywords Google sees are relevant to your site. Note that there are many ways to create an SEO Content Strategy.

However, it doesn’t stop there. You can’t just use any keyword for your SEO copywriting services. You have to determine which keywords are going to produce sales and leads.

Find Keywords that Produce Results

To figure this out, type a keyword cluster from Google Search Console into Ahrefs Keyword Explorer. Ahrefs will create a list of additional keywords that relate to the one you typed in as well as show you how much volume each keyword gets, how many clicks it generates, and more. 

From here, identity which keywords are relevant to your business and will interest customers you want to attract. Then, determine which keywords will generate volume. It may be beneficial to create a spreadsheet listing all the keywords, their monthly search volume, value, and difficulty of ranking. The longer the list, the better! Lastly, prioritize content based on its value.

Converting a Keyword to Content

Now that you have a comprehensive list of keywords to incorporate into content, it’s time to figure out what you will write about.

Start by reading competitor pieces of content. Simply take your keyword and enter it into Google. What articles come up? What are they about? What angles do they take on the subject?

Now it’s time for you to find an angle. While reading these competitor pieces, it’s important to pinpoint ways you could make your piece better. What kind of information, personal experience, or research do you have that you could add to your article to make it better than the competitors’? Could you take a different approach altogether? 

The point is to create content that is eye-catching and interesting. Think of creative titles for your article that will catch peoples’ attention. Make sure your keyword is in the title.

Content Research

Now that you know what you are going to write about, it’s time to start creating the actual content. You may want to research competitor pieces of content once again to learn more about the keyword. However, it’s also important to research noncompetitor content, which can add value to your piece. When you have statistics, facts, or other interesting research that can add value to your article, include it as an internal link in your post! These links can also have a hand in helping you rank higher on Google.

In addition to topic research, it’s important to understand the tone and voice of the company you are writing for. Do the articles need to be straight-forward, professional, and research-based, or can they be more conversational, laid-back, and creative? Your tone and voice represent the company brand just as much as the content itself, so make sure you keep a consistent tone and voice throughout all the articles posted on one particular site. 


Now it’s time to start the actual copywriting. As a rule of thumb, for Google to see a piece of content as relevant, it needs to be at least 500 words. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to break up the text with headings and subheadings. 

Here’s how a typical article should be structured:

All titles are H1. Immediately after the title, have an introduction with the keyword incorporated somewhere in it. The intro can be as long as many paragraphs or as short as a few lines. However, make sure the length of the intro is appropriate. If it’s too long, for example, readers can get bored. 

After the intro, incorporate H2 subheadings to identify main topics, H3 subheadings for subtopics, and, if necessary, H4 subheadings to break topics up further. These headings are a great way to break up the text, organize it, and make it easier for people to skim your content. 

Lastly, conclude with a call-to-action. It’s always a good idea to encourage readers to buy your product, visit your facilities, or use your services. As an option, you can also encourage readers to contact you for more information.

Most importantly, make sure your keyword is in your article 2-4 times. If your content is 1,500 words, add the keyword 4-6 times. The longer the piece, the more times the keyword needs to be added.


Have you ever clicked on an article with no images? Does it look eye-catching or interesting? Does it make you want to read more?

Probably not. Likely, it looks pretty boring. Not exactly something you want to read for fun, is it?

Images are a great way to make articles more readable and interesting. You can find free stock images from websites like Pexels or Unsplash. On the other hand, you can get a monthly subscription to even more stock images from Shutterstock and other similar websites.

Optimizing and Publishing

Now that you have a piece of content written, read it over and edit it. Make sure it is free of grammar errors, is structured correctly, and is optimized for SEO. If you can, send the article to an editor for review.

Now you are ready for the last step: upload it to your website! 

We recommend using WordPress with the Ahrefs extension. This allows you to see how you can improve your article’s readability and further optimize it for SEO. 

Simply paste your article into WordPress, upload the featured image, and check everything one more time for errors or formatting issues. 

Here are some things to keep in mind when uploading the article: 

  • Add the keyword in the image’s Alt Text. This way, your image can rank for the keyword, and in extension, your article. 
  • Add a Meta Description. This should be no less than 130 characters and no more than 150. It should be eye-catching, interesting, and have a call to action for people to check out the article.
  • Make sure the URL isn’t too long. If your title isn’t too long, the URL can be the title. However, if you happen to have a long title, make the URL a shortened version of the title or the keyword itself. In the end, make sure the keyword is in the URL.

Lastly, preview the article on the website before you publish it. This way, you can make sure everything is formatted correctly before hitting the publish button.

Rinse and Repeat

Remember when we told you to have a long list of keywords ready? That’s because the more SEO copywriting services you complete, the more successful you’ll be at ranking. In addition to this step-by-step process on how SEO copywriting services work, check out these helpful tools that can help you with your content writing.

So once you’ve gone through these steps, do them again. It may take time, but eventually, you’ll see results that last. 

Good luck!


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