Monday, November 4, 2019

Who Uses Email Marketing?

who uses email marketingHave you ever wondered who uses email marketing? When you realized the many benefits of email marketing, you will begin to see why so many businesses are using email marketing. Let’s look at a few examples.

The first thing to realize is that we have a LOT of evidence to prove that email marketing is effective. It would be thing for us to tell you, but let’s let the proven market standards explain:

  • 91 percent of US adults like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with (MarketingSherpa)
  • Email is almost 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined in helping your business acquire new customers. (McKinsey)

But if you really want to find out how small business email marketing can work for your business, why not ask other small business owners and see how it worked for them?

Who Uses Email Marketing?

Businesses that want to build credibility use email marketing. When your customers feel that they know you, like you, and can trust you to help them solve a problem, they are more likely to do business with you. Sending out a regular email marketing newsletter can help build that know, like, and trust factor.

Businesses that want to generate more sales calls use email marketing. With the newsletter as an example, you can show your customers how you can help them solve a problem and then invite them to call your for more details, a quote, etc… A good call to action can have your phone ringing with new orders and repeat sales.

Businesses that want to increase their overall lead count are great examples of who uses email marketing. Having a web site that generates a steady flow of leads gives your business a strong advantage of your competitors.

Businesses that want to improve communication with customers, prospects, and team members.

Businesses that want to generate more sales with the click of their mouse.

Businesses that want to build their brand are using email marketing to reinforce their branding through marketing messages and newsletters.

Businesses that want to learn what works use our segmenting tools to track open rates and click-throughs.

When people ask us, “Who uses email marketing?” we talk to them bout their goals and how a service like ours can help them generate sales, improve communication, generate more leads, build credibility, reinforce branding, and turn around quick results.

They usually get pretty excited and can’t wait to get started.

You can start your email marketing with a free 30 Day Trial!

Questions? Feel free to ask!




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