Friday, June 5, 2020

Email List tied into Online Store - Most efficient?

I've been playing around with Convertkit for the past two weeks and like the initial designs I've made- however I've noticed that ConvertKit tends to be a little stubborn with Wix. Inside Wix, I see that there are options to have an email list hosted there- and then on the other side of the issue I see that I'll eventually need some sort of way I can have people pay for the classes I offer that hopefully can be integrated with my email list.

Since I'm running low on time as I approach needing to dedicate all my efforts to resource/content creation, if you had to make a decision with how to manage this would a different email host besides ConvertKit be the way to go?

Basically I'd like the following: Email subscribers to a newsletter, people who want my course can pay for it and automatically get added to the subscriber list... use Wix as my web host, and then have some sort of Ecommerce platform that lets me sell my class and then also put other things (like PDFs/Content) up for sale. THANK YOU in advance for the help!!

submitted by /u/cut_the_fat
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