Monday, August 17, 2020

What Is A Good Email Marketing Strategy

good email marketing strategyHow do you create and benefit from a good email marketing strategy? This article is going to show you what we have been doing since early 2000 to win with email marketing.

The first step to putting together a good email marketing strategy is to understand the goal. Ultimately, your goal is more sales. What you want to do is focus on the steps that lead up to those sales.

A good email marketing strategy starts with list building. Our CEO, Brian Rooney, shares his tips on how to build your list from zero here. The ways we build our lists is to make sure we have capture forms on all of our web site pages and our blog content. As we drive traffic to our pages, folks who are interested in learning more will fill out the form to request our free details. As they do that, our list is growing. We make a point of focusing DAILY effort on list building.

Your next goal is to build rapport with your subscribers. This is where your follow up letters do their work. The idea is to create letters that help your subscribers understand how you can help them reach their goals or solve a problem. As you provide value, your readers begin to feel they know you. They start to like you. They feel like they trust you. And, when it is time to do business, it makes sense that they will choose someone they know, like, and trust.

Once you have begun building your list and following up with prospects, the next part of a good email marketing strategy is to start tracking results. First, you track your open rates. Are your messages being opened? Personalization can help you boost your open rate. Making sure your subject line is attention grabbing and captures the reader’s eye is helpful, as well.

From there, the next step is to track your click-through rates. When you know how your readers are responding to your offer, you can begin go really fine-tune your copy, your call-to-action, and your overall effectiveness.

For more tips on creating a good email marketing strategy, check out our Email Marketing Cheat Sheet.

Feel free to post your comments, ask questions, and let us know what you think! We love hearing from you.

Email Marketing Tips



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