Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Build Revenue with Affiliate Products Through ClickBank — Now with Tag Support

AWeber and ClickBank

ClickBank is a global retailer and an affiliate marketplace that allows entrepreneurs to earn income on commissions of other people’s products that they promote and sell. It benefits the product owner and the affiliate promoting the product as it provides the opportunity for both parties to earn revenue. Plus, it potentially expands the products’ reach to a new audience.  

AWeber’s integration with ClickBank makes finding affiliate products to promote to your audience incredibly easy and straightforward. Simply select the product and get a link to put it in your newsletter or on social media. When a member of your audience purchases that product, you receive a commission. Commissions vary by product, but generally are around 50%. 

Clickbank home page

Benefits of marketing other people’s products

It can be challenging to keep your product line fresh and varied enough to be a consistent revenue source. AWeber’s customer,, helps people live healthier, happier, and more productive lives by providing tips to help them get organized.  They have found supplementing  its own product line with affiliate products from ClickBank has helped to grow their business.

“It’s a win-win situation for everybody. I think ClickBank is wonderful because a lot of new businesses don’t have their own products. I can’t imagine only having my own stuff to sell — it’s just not enough. You have to offer people a wide range of products. I highly recommend it because it’s another income source for businesses,” says founder Maria Gracia.

Give your customers more value with similar products 

Maria Gracia has successfully grown her email list by offering visitors free, valuable content in the form of e-books, checklists, challenges, articles, videos, and print-ables. 

However, Gracia learned that a large list by itself doesn’t generate revenue. And consistently offering fresh, relevant products to earn income takes a lot of time, energy, and financial resources. That’s why Gracia co-markets her products — and the products of other like-minded entrepreneurs — through AWeber’s integration with ClickBank.  

Select your affiliate products carefully.

Gracia is very careful about companies she works with to ensure that her product is represented correctly.

“We want to make sure that people understand who we are, and our mission to help people get organized. We don’t just want to sell stuff. We want to make sure our product or the affiliate product we are co-marketing helps the person who is purchasing it,” says Gracia.

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people focused on their yards and landscaping while they were sheltering-in-place. One of the affiliate products that decided to showcase was a program on landscape designs. affiliate offer with landscaping design product.

How to Use ClickBank and AWeber to Better Understand Your Audience  

We recently added Tag support to AWeber's ClickBank integration, making it even more powerfully-simple to follow up with customers who purchase your products online. Communicating with paying customers is a great way to add value to their purchases by providing them with useful information and updates after they buy.

Here's are a few ways you can drive more sales with AWeber’s ClickBank integration with Tag support:

  • Easily manage your Tags. Apply single or multiple Tags based on products a subscriber has purchased. View a particular product's unique Tags at a glance. 
  • Turn first-time buyers into repeat customers. Email new customers an incentive — like a coupon, discount code, or free content they may like based on their first purchase — when a new Tag is applied. 
  • Deliver emails based on a person's purchase history. Tag support gives you the flexibility to enter a unique set of Tags for a product. That way, you can follow up with more relevant, personalized content and increase revenue opportunities.
  • Automate your campaigns. Easily add subscribers to different lists based on their purchases. Use advanced settings to automate campaigns that trigger when a particular Tag is added to a list.

How email marketing and affiliate products can increase your revenue.

Each week showcases a new product, either a product or an affiliate product. They feature the same product throughout their daily emails that week.  

The product of the week is showcased daily with a short description and a visual.

Product of the week short description and visual

Gracia writes a detailed description of the product and the specific limited-time bonuses offered.

Detailed description of the product of the week and the specific limited timed bonuses offered.

On the 6th day, the graphic is changed to read: “24 hours left.” 24 hours graphic.

On the 7th day, the graphic is changed to read: “4 hours left.” 24 hours graphic with updated offer found a daily email with a sales expiration countdown to be very effective. “ It creates a sense of urgency. And our readers have expressed that they appreciate the reminders. I’m helping to organize the people who want to get organized on my list,” says Gracia. 

Use email to connect with your affiliates to sweeten the deal. also sends out a monthly contest. Gracia offers cash rewards to encourage affiliates on her email list to promote her product. email to affiliates about contest to earn a cash bonus

Email helps build long-term relationships with your audience.

Reaching people today is harder than ever because there are so many communication options available.

“I can’t imagine a business without email marketing. And if you don’t have a newsletter or some kind of free content to offer your list, people may leave or find valuable content elsewhere. I think that’s such a disservice when a business doesn’t have an email newsletter list,”says Gracia.

Email allows to build and maintain a strong relationship with its people. They have thousands of subscribers who have been receiving their newsletter for over 19-years. 

Connect with your audience and start growing your email list today!

Our mission is simple: to deliver powerfully-simple email marketing tools to help small business owners and entrepreneurs — like you — grow your business.

AWeber Free is our completely free email marketing and landing pages plan — perfect for those who are just getting started or kicking off a passion project. We'll give you everything you need to start building your audience today.


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