Friday, September 4, 2020

Watch Out for These 5 Trouble-Making Marketing Outliers

The chances are high that hiding among your audiences are small groups whose behaviors are so extreme that they skew the overall behavior of your marketing channels in ways that are detrimental. These groups are called outliers and they can:

  • Cloud overall performance data, making it appear that you’re doing much better or much worse than you actually are.
  • Obscure how your core audience is performing.
  • Conceal trends in your customer data, causing you to miss opportunities or fail to address challenges.
  • Skew A/B test results and lead you to implement the wrong changes or strategies.

In this post on, I take a look at 5 common outliers that companies might encounter across their marketing channels:

  1. Mega-Spenders
  2. Always Openers
  3. Influencers & Detractors
  4. Bots
  5. Employees

To get all the details on each of those…

>> Read the entire post on


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