Thursday, November 14, 2019

Is it a mistake to not ask for first name within mail chimp's newsletter sign up?

I was troubleshooting MailChimp. I have a free account and am creating a sign up for newsletter section for a website. I have several questions. I'm new to email marketing and MailChimp, so bare with me. ;)

1: Was it a mistake for me to eliminate the first name and only ask for an email using MailChimp? How will MailChimp send newsletters if it does not have their first name?

2: Since I deleted all of the forms except the email form within the only audience (list) I can have in this free account, I cannot add the forms I deleted, correct?

3: I suppose I can delete the one audience (list) I do have and do it over again by creating a new api key.

Should I ask for the first name in newsletter subscriptions?

Thanks for your help.

submitted by /u/StartingOverMan
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